Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

technically it’s in between heat and neutral, since it has similar synergies to other heat based magics, but it also has synergies with cold magics (water) and it very slightly increases temperature I think

isn’t it just heat, lightning is hot

I guess you can call it whatever you want
but since lightning has characteristics of both heat based and neutral magics, it’s pretty difficult to place it in one group

I do agree lightning is hot :>

Lightning sets yout ship on fire on hit, so i guess it is heat-based. Though it works underwater (sand moment)

underwater usage doesn’t matter, if it’s hot it’s hot

Look at title slot. The title equipped has a red background. Is this the new epicenter explorer title? I don’t remember any red backgrounds

That means the Blaze might be the hottest flame other than the grand fire curses. If it is that hot in game.

that’s exactly why i have it planned as my 5th file’s ancient magic

on my main im either going fire/sun/blaze or fire/phoenix/blaze

Majority of the map is the sea. Good luck fighting underwater

i assume vetex will let ancient magics work underwater especially considering blaze is just lightning that looks like fire

Sand is first in the queue

blaze is lightning, it should be able to attack underwater

blaze is pretty much lightning+fire
fire = fire
sun = fire+fire
phoenix = fire+life (i guess)
blaze = fire+lightning

Even then, blaze will be selected as third magic so the size will be shit. And we don’t know will we have enough points to learn ancient magic as second or third mind

then just learn it in your first mind

kid named all tiers being maxed for 3rd magic at like level 500 if +250 magic is the mage requirement boost

Third and second slots have increased requirements for all stuff. Even max level mage would not prob be able to get ancient as third (remember ancient magics don’t have skills from the start, they are learned as scrolls and will surely have high ass reqs)

Welcome to Arcane Odyssey where we have:
Solar flares but it’s actually fire
Fire but it can heal people
Fire but big and orange
Explosive green fire
Fire but blue
Fire in the shape of lightning

Fire but its liquid light of the stars but its poison but its sus