Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

inferno seemed too boring so i thought blaze would be cooler
fire/cooler fire/lightning fire

It would be nice but I still doubt it

Once was done at AA, will be done twice in AO

i’m somewhat concerned that since warriors aren’t going to get any build specific armor they’re just going to end up being completely outclassed by the other builds which will be getting specific armor- especially if that armor has better stats than other available armor (Hopefully boss armor would be able to compete?) I do think that you can realistically get warrior armor in without it needing to have any sort of gimmick attached- just make it armor that may have somewhat favorable stat combinations that require you to be a weapon build to equip maybe


Or just an armor set that grants negative stats if you are using magic/strenght/vitality

Warriors wont be outclassed

The thing that meeds to get buffed is fire magic :100::100:

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more arc stuff :fr:
I hope the hat looks nice

Now vetex, where are vitality and strenght 3rd sets?

I’m going to guess that they’re either the 2nd tier for arcmancer clothes or a mix between arcanium armor and and arcmancer robes where they grant a bit of defense and a bit of power

I have no idea how long this has been here for, (so it might not be new) but this is in the AO credits on the trello. If it IS new, then that’s a good sign for marketplace release soon.

that’s been there for quite a while
at least for as long as I can remember

if this becomes a thing then that’s just a failure on multiple levels. only way this can happen is if the class specific armors are needed for the classes… which would just be outright bad game design on all fronts

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Right like, the way I see it is the class specific armor is just going to make it simpler to double down on your magic/style choice’s already existing niche

If they have a couple more points in a stat than others (doubtful since sunken will probably have the best defense/size/I forget what warrior armor does combo.

My guess is since they’re gonna have more than one stat on top of their base power/defense they’ll have more diverse stats but lower overall totals
(Then again I can’t be bothered to do the math to actually find out with what I have rn)

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i haven’t actually built my warrior yet but i get the issue people have with it not having a specific class armor

but let me put this into perspective:
the mage’s special armor could be made of arcanium or they could be some really badass looking robes, the berserker’s could be a cool gi or maybe some dragon ball battle armor type of thing, vitality’s would probably be some lame shit no one gaf about, but then we reach warrior.
the problem with warrior is that it’s kind of hard to think of something unique for it that’s actually achievable with vetex’s current methods
every armor that isn’t wizard robes or a fighter’s gi is basically ALREADY suited for a warrior, as pretty much every armor has been used alongside weapons in human history
to put an end to my rambling,

warrior specific armor already exists
it’s nearly every armor in the game

You are in big danger

try me, bitch, i’m waiting (/j)

Get him bois

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i dont think the issue is about whether a class has specific armor for the sake of it but rather that all classes except warrior get bonus/unique stats from their armor sets. Warrior is basically getting powercrept purely cuz of stat specific armor which is hella dumb

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