Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

that would be such a good addition

After all of these months, gauntlets that are separate from armor

This isnā€™t nimbus this is double dash

Is there any actual confirmation behind this or

Looking into it, yeah this shit fake asf lmaooooo

Nimbus sea rn in testing is just silent, it has no music

it would be amazing if it was the music though, and i do think there should be unique music for each sea

Itā€™d be weird if there wasnā€™t unique music for each sea seeing as that was present in AA

is it just me or are people really excited to know when vetex will get back to work on something that isnā€™t armor sets, personally i like knowing when he starts and ends on new things because it helps give a rough idea of when the update will come out, rn i canā€™t get a prediction because of all the armor sets

I assume the reason he started making a bunch of sets is because heā€™s a bit burnt out on scripting story stuff, either that or he needs more content in regards to new gear

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could be both!

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what the

Probs both. And he mightve been working on the island on the side while making the sets.

He once complained about having to make the new skills for the Dark Sea Update for several days straight and regretted doing them for that long (He said it was starting to get mind-numbingly boring), so its likely heā€™s trying to work on other stuff to prevent total burnout.

Reminder heā€™s doing this full time. Likeā€¦ 6-8 hours daily iirc?

Itā€™s like working your average 9-5 but you may not receive payment for your work

Carina was confirmed to be a Juggernaut? Can I get a source on that? Itā€™s been a head-canon of mine for a long time now so Iā€™d love to see it fulfilled.

Carina being a juggernaut is more so of a theory given her hp despite being very agile and her ability to regen

Her HP, her dialog with a heavy focus on endurance, and her pitifully low damage would all be explained by her being a Juggernaut

I agree with all except the low damage part (Iā€™m a juggernaut and my attacks do way more than 60)

one piece golden age :skull::cold_sweat:

Vetex has promised Adventure Story updates in the future. Idk when that will be since he seems really excited about AO right now, but I personally wouldnā€™t call AS abandoned entirely. Vetex has also made multiple reassurances that he is dedicated to finishing AO, especially because he wants to make books about it and thus needs to finish the game first. If I remember right, he said the reason he abandoned past projects was because he was an indecisive teenager, and AA was less ā€œabandonedā€ and moreso impossible to continue because he had no idea how to code with filtering enabled. Adventure Story was how he learned to code in that way, and apparently, itā€™s full of bad code that he would need to rewrite since he was experienced with filteringenabled when he made it.

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i recalled someone somewhere saying that once AO was completed Vetex would quit game dev entirely to focus on writing