Nimbus Sea Story Speculation

The named parts we have are:

  1. To the Nimbus Sea
  2. Sailing to Sameria
  3. Unexpected Ambush, Part 1
  4. Unexpected Ambush, Part 2
  5. The Forest of Masts
  6. The Quartermasters
  7. Pirate Hideout, Part 1
  8. Pirate Hideout, Part 2

There’s another 7 parts after that, leading up to the boss fight.

Personally, I think the Forest of Masts is probably a graveyard of Samerian ships who were heading to Redwake for trading goods, explaining why they’re so close to the Bronze Sea. They were probably ambushed and sunk by a pirate gang, most likely led by one of the Six Corsairs. And this pirate gang wants to do the same to us.

Somehow, we end up in the Pirate Hideout. It’s possible we were kidnapped and taken there by the Quartermasters or the captain himself, and now have to fight our way out to get back to our primary objective of reaching Sameria.

Or, maybe we went to the Pirate Hideout willingly in order to kill the captain and his gang. Even though it’s a distraction from the urgent business that is telling Sameria about the war, it’s still reasonable because destroying a pirate gang that was sinking Samerian supply ships would be a huge favor to the queen, improving our chances of forming an alliance.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe there’s been some debate on whether or not the boss we fight is just a quartermaster, or if he’s one of the Six Corsairs themselves. I’m not sure where I stand on that. Wouldn’t it be strange if we knocked the number of Corsairs from six to five before even reaching their country? Maybe it is a Corsair, but he escapes (he could jump into a ship’s mortar and launch himself onto a sky island cartoony-style).

There’s definitely a good argument for the boss not being a Corsair, but at the same time, wouldn’t that be pretty underwhelming if it was just an underling? Idk. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


Given the fact that the 6 corsairs are meant to be the most feared pirates in the war seas, I doubt one would just be chilling at the start of the nimbus sea

I mean, if my theory is right then they wouldn’t be chilling, they’re harassing a whole kingdom and disrupting trade routes, probably getting a ton of resources from it to bring back to Corsair Country too.

I remember someone posted a blurred pic from the patreon

given the fact that king calvus is feared across a whole sea, you’d think he would be easier than a pirate ketch right (the crew)

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I was hoping, since there was a big emphasis on the war that was going to happen as a result of the death of Calvus, that the forest of Masts would be the result of war already having broken out and gotten this bad within the 9 days we were resting at wind-row. It’d be a neat way to show how volatile the situation in the war seas really is and how by pulling just one thread, Calvus, it’d all unravel.

Unfortunately since the parts after the forests of masts are all about pirates you’re probably right. I’ll cross my fingers that they might be privateers for one of the kingdoms, which would explain how they’re causing so much trouble way up north, but I doubt it. Though maybe we will get to see how and why pirates have become so much more common in the recent times, and possibly see how Calvus’ death might’ve affected their activity.

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his legacy carries him
curse inheritance, aether magic
that and julian with a curse

now that calvus is dead pretty sure julian is the only one left I’m interested to see how they react (they being the ravenna military and citizens)

You’re right, that’s a really cool idea! I’d love to see how the main characters react to something like that.

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I’ve seen that image, but it’s not very helpful since it doesn’t show what those ships’ allegiance is. We don’t know if they belong to pirates, merchants, or kingdoms.

I seen the picture, it just bunch of ship such as Brig, ketch, etc…

imagine all the players who have 500+ hours wiping the floor with everyone xd

Problem with this now is that it’s expected :sob:

“All I’m surrounded by is fear. And dead men.”

“and men”

ok so lets start

  1. To the Nimbus Sea
  2. Sailing to Sameria
    pretty self explenetory right?
  3. Unexpected Ambush, Part 1
  4. Unexpected Ambush, Part 2
    we get captured and kidnapped AGAIN cuz vetex said morden gets bitched by a curse user
  5. The Forest of Masts
  6. The Quartermasters
  7. Pirate Hideout, Part 1
  8. Pirate Hideout, Part 2
    they take us to there base
    thats all i have…

Ship fight plsplspls

I heard we are going to have story mandate quartermaster on this Nimbus Sea update, I really really hope this won’t be Vetex’s creator pet character or a character made as a mockery to the fans

The quartermaster constant nags the player when they’re going to the next island, and they cannot be unequipped

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