Nimbus Sea Story Speculation

that’s the final boss in the nimbus xd

Vetex said that the main focus of the Nimbus Sea is the war, using it as an example for how the Order of Aesir won’t always be the main focus. But it seems like we’re going to kill one High Lord each sea (I mean, there’s the same number of High Lords as there are War Seas, it just makes sense), so surely the Order must have SOME relevance in the Nimbus Sea.

So the question is: What could the Order do that’s bad enough for us to take a break from trying to stop an IMMINENT WAR BETWEEN 3+ KINGDOMS in order to take out some Order guys who we could just beat up later?

This is a wild guess, but I think either Sameria or Skyhall will believe that we are members of the Order, as they were told by either a Baron, High Lord, or maybe Revon in an attempt to sabotage us and get some suspicion off of themselves. That would link together the war plot and the Order plot, forcing us to weed out the Order members within the Nimbus Sea to proof our innocence to the Sameria/Skyhall rulers, allowing us to continue getting their help to prevent the war.


Or we could end up killing 2 or more highlords in another sea, it would be a little annoying if the number of sea don’t line up with where we kill the high lords, but its possible

nah bro the lords are too high


I dont know, maybe obtain more sea curses and plan to blow up Sameria or smth?

“Hey guys, they have a nuke, we should deal with them first.”

my theory is that literally ALL of Skyhall is sealed off by the Order as a testing grounds, and the reason why no one comes down or goes up is because they dont want anyone to leave the testing grounds or adding new variables into the place.

I don’t think the Order has enough power yet to effectively wall off an entire kingdom. And doing that would completely blow their cover and secrecy, as well.

The reason Skyhall doesn’t come down is because they just hate sea-dwellers :skull:

would YOU want dirty seadwellers stepping foot in your PRISTINE sky islands?
i wouldnt

The civilians of Skyhall watching as the MC walks into their kingdom:

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why yall underestimating the order of aesir

calvus or elius or someone said that they keep order in the seas

you know who else keeps order in the seas? The grand navy

they have yet to meet the full power of potential man…

Trust me, potential man will eventually become the strongest, he’s got like god blood or something

What are you getting at :sob:

But I will underestimate the Order of Aesir, considering King Calvus was an entire 7% of their strength. I doubt the Order has more curses than a kingdom just yet. But they’re getting there.

calvus honestly wasnt allat strong
he was after the death curse probably because it would equalize his strength in contrast to the other high lords

Since they recruited calvus in the order, julian even if he doesn’t know it is part of the order’s force, he would do anything calvus commanded him to

Julian is probably dead.

Calvus was “strong” but his skill issue held him back. I think if he had the Death Curse and poured all of his training into that alone, he would become stronger than the other High Lords. (Idk what powers they have but it can’t be better than the mastered Death Curse, right?)

Someone, I believe it was Beringer, did say that the user of the Death Curse would shift the tides of power in the War Seas. It’s just that strong.

aether magic is inherently busted
but then again calvus was a savant so

It’s only a lost magic. I wouldn’t call it busted, it certainly isn’t in comparison to the ancient magics. But it is strong enough to carry the majority of Calvus’ power even though he sucks at fighting. That I think we agree on.

morden ran away didn’t kill him right