Nimbus Sea Story Speculation

Calvus is basically a savant who didn’t properly minmax so now all of his attacks suck for his level of power

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level 300+ with only 500 damage on full charge
my boy forgot to upgrade his gear and full invest on his stats

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I wonder what’s gonna happen here

If you get lost magics at Magic Level 600, then Calvus’ level is probably at least 500

The earliest you could theoretically get a lost magic is at level 300 with a mage slot, and given the recent changes to how you qualify as a savant, you most likely can’t get lost magics as a savant

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With this change, a Savant can get a lost magic as early as level 750.

most of the level 125 kids rn could be king calvus

If what Vetex said here holds true, you’re right :fearful:

Once again, savants take yet another L

As they should

Been confirmed he’s not, Morden is way too weak o kill him lol. Morden is super unexperienced and Julian’s a professional


This is the source that the wiki references

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No problem

Phoenix magic is a lost too, and theos was surely no joke

Considering savants have reduced requirments for skills and shit they could also get reduced requirments for lost magics i guess?

I thought the requirement reduction was just for tiers and 2nd/3rd magics/fighting styles

He was faster than me :(((

bro said that 1 hr later