Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I bet you want yourself dead rather than making all these

I can sense the updates, this will be worth doing.
Unlike you WEAKLINGS who can’t make 2 files…

I have 3 files and FULLY max them out each update.

Each update?
Not 3 files in 1 week?

I accept your almightiness

praying someone suggest armor piercing can also boost attacks clashing power so I can finally have a fighting chance against vindicator


Wow that actually is a good idea

any way we can suggest this?

Go ahead. I won’t be able to get suggestor ever and the balancecord requires you to sell your soul just to suggest a 2s status buff to sandy

I once tried to apply for suggestor role. First two attempts were failed, third hadn’t been answered. Im planning just to wait for it to expire, it takes 6 months and there prob nearly 2 left

I am so cool

why are you blasting a spell out of your ass

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Flight spell

I’m like 99% sure they’re using surge

does this make yellow/blue phoenix magic canon? :smirk_cat:

Maybe we are just colorblind

i mean it was changed in later versions of aa to be orange and white

Idk what r u talking abt, when i played AR it was yellow/blue

Are you sure that wasn’t just Theos’s sun magic?

yeah ar they changed it back, ar is not later versions of aa