Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Is there no twitter update today? I assume there wont be bc of the hacking stuff goin on

So far it seemed like there was a twitter reveal every day at 2:00 and 7:00 PM EST, but ig not

does this mean when we get all 6 seas we can potentially keep grabbing cargo at every sea and sell it all for infinite profit

Weak. Get Redwake Cargo and sell it at the southernmost island, and go back and forth. Cargo sell price is based off distance travelled so cut out the middlemen

International Mercantilism :sunglasses:

redwake to whatever island with a town is the farthest in the 6th sea

+93 Galleons

overpowered dev confirmed fodder compared to daddy argos

it gotta be at least 1000 galleons

Argos gave him a very large papercut

we’re just ignoring the 100k apples arent we
anyways vetex is FODDER!! to argos!!

Argos wipes the floor with everyone confirmed

Tis but a flesh wound to vetex

Vetex has literally spend all 700+ hours getting apples. He also has a huge 1 pinecone

doctors hate him


bros gonna keep the doctor away for 273 years :sob:

wait you can just keep leaving and rentering the bronze sea
that way you can grab thousands of cargo crates from ravenna and sell them all at once without having to sail through all the seas

“Hey has anyone seen every single ravenna export to ever exist I seem to have misplaced them”
Suspiciously cargo shaped ship:

I saw this on the injuries page on so wiki like a month ago, I think it was leaked

Do you think it’ll work in the dark sea? Cause it always freezes for me in 10-15 mins and this would be supremely helpful

kinda late but how do you guys think the barrier will be positioned like

considering the southern part will be changed into Nimbus Sea I think both placements are odd and might mess with people not actively trying to journey into Nimbus while on a Dark Sea expedition

Think it’s 1, in the Teaser we had the rock was directly in the border