Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

yeah, I also had that kind of feeling when I first saw the building
it makes sense if it’s some kind of archive

maybe it contains like, scrolls or something.

like records of royalty or historic events of the kingdom

maybe even curse records of what the kingdom possesses.

These theories are interesting. The big dome building is important, but what is its purpose?

it’s probably cultural significance since sameria is all about the sun (given their flag) so I think it might represent like the sun idfk I’m starting to ramble :sob:

I hope there’s not a boss in there.
If the similarities between it and the Castello are true, then the last thing we need is to make them even more alike.
I hope that armorer merchants will also sell region-exclusive gear and weapons (Redwake, Ravenna, Cirrus Island, Monoah Village) in the next update too

this means bounty cap was also increased to 5 billion, have fun with majors and maybe any new ones

oh damn max renown was changed by the max crown limit?

not reputation, bounty (they’re separate in wom)

no you still won’t be able to sell from the same island

Very certain that it’s been mentioned that it asks you if you want to travel to the nimbus sea when you cross it. Even if there isn’t, cargo, such as sealed chests, would be stored within the cargo hold

no I’m saying you load your ship full of cargo, then leave the bronze sea and then renter it, then fill your ship up with cargo again, and then keep repeating this until you get bored and sail to the 6th sea or smthn and sell

p sure there is a limit on cargo in the hold

rip :sob:


the kingdom alignment thingys still need to be added

currently there’s only 3 islands in Nimbus excluding Othrys
Side bosses are pushed to Full release so there probably won’t be any time sink
I’m high on copium rn the update will drop mid March

and bunch of balance stuff

he already completed chapter two? two chapters were supposed to come out and at least when he stopped naming them, he was at the end of chapter one.

Seeing how long it took to make Sameria, now I see why he originally wanted to do only 1 chapter in this update :skull:

And now we wait for another two months as vetex makes 17 more armour sets for strength exclusively