Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Yeah cus if you go in the mines you can find that underground storage

my fake leak didnt work, let us flee :frcryin:

Bro thought he was slick with it :sob:

You really though that some of us hadn’t bothered to go searching around for extra hidden lore

i somehow managed to convince JTN that i created the image from scratch, so im clearly getting somewhere

Update, we’re heading to Samaria.

Continuing off of what ImaLettuce said, it could be a fake out, as Samaria’s flag actually takes the third slot on the Brig, meaning we go there after Skyhall.

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watch as we try to sail to sameria but all of a sudden we become verdies and get sent to skyhall with the gang

…Why do I have a terrible feeling this is gonna become a constant occurance throughout main story where nothing goes to plan?

I guess thats why it’s called an Odyssey huh… (fyi, the og Odyssey story can be summarized as “shit happens, nothing goes to plan and your trip gets fucking delayed”)


also now that I think about it, the island in the patreon didnt look very sandy (aint no way sameria aint a desert) even with the blur on it, so unless that was a leak of the wilderness island, it would probably be the first story island

someone pull up that meme of Odysseus telling his crew their about to go on an odyssey and also saying an odyssey was named after the sole survivor of one

Wait, now that I think abt it, could be that the reason why the Sameria flag takes the third slot in the Brig is because we finish the entire storyline of Samaria later, not that we dont get there first before Skyhall.

It could be that we do manage to get to Sameria first and then go to Skyhall to get them ally with Sameria, we finish Skyhall’s story first before Sameria does.

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good point, but at the same time it would be much funnier if the gang just pulled a verdies and someone ends up at Skyhall first and I wonder where the first story island is gonna take place like, for all we could know it could just be some sandfall sized island that happens to have story on it.

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yeah, the leak was not a sand island. it looked related to shell island.

More like Redwake.

Remember Redwake was sworn under Sameria’s protection?

Also, idk why people keep assuming it’d be a sandy place. It doesnt have to be? The sun isnt really a strong indicator.

Incredibly vague hint I’ll give for the island: torn & abandoned

honestly im just assuming its a desert since thermo fist originates from there (I think) in this sea cluster and I feel like it would make sense for a heat-based fighting style to be from a desert/savannah, and since ravenna is already a savannah, im guessing it’s a desert since it wouldnt make sense to have 2 kingdoms based in the same biome right next to eachother. also smth about Jern Redside screams desert dweller to me and the sun is like, idk a weak indicator ig?


Anyways imma watch an alvin and the chipmunks movie which one should I watch

all of them at the same time trust

the odyssey is morso “odysseus wants to go home but his dumb ass and his dumb ass crew keep pissing off gods by doing dumb things”

is it THAT hard NOT to eat divine cattle and taunt a cyclopes by giving your real name

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Bro the beef was simply godly ofc they had to take a bite fr

Are you telling me you WOULDNT have that steak if THIS was the cow??