Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Damn… Now I have 2 options:

  1. Recreate fucking character cuz I chosed water as first and lightning as second.
  2. Wait until we get ability to change our first magic and replace it with lightning.

Honestly, thinking the same, but it might not matter anyway with Lost Magics, so depending on the Magics, I might change it. Idk.

I have too much on my file, Ill probs do another one if I want to.

I wonder, if we can put ancient or lost magic into our first mind. Cuz same question was brought up long ago and people said that you cannot change your first mind, but now it is false.

Really? The very first QnA confirmed that there might be a way to change First Magic… did they say that cause Vetex said it was unkikely? I cant remember…

Unfortunately I cannot find that topic. But I can say that it was before AO’s release.

Q: Will you be able to swap your magic throughout the story?
A: Probably not, at all. Cause i don’t want people to be switching…Like if magic becomes strong, everyone will reset their magic to pick that magic. So I kinda want magic to be a permanent choice for your file.

So he changed his opinion?

Says “throughout story”, so uhh… :thinking:

Anyways, things change over time though. Its possible that the reason even Vetex is considering allowing the change of first magic is because you cant change your first magic into Lost or Ancient. Could be wrong tho

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This did not age well


“King arthur” and cursebeard are now confirmed to be the same person


Tbh, comparing that old one qna, i think the new one cuts out stuff…Maybe i’ll make my own transcription…

That wouldn’t be the first time he did

So basically warlocks will be eating the best

Since I doubt vetex will allow only pure builds to have a lost magic/fs on their launch

Wait, does that mean I can’t decrease my damage from an ult art blast, because I want a player to fly a very long distance without having them dying from it?

You might still be able to do that, its just that you won’t be able to hide what level you are in order to kill lower level people.

Well no, that doesn’t mean thaf inherently. Just because the frigate would require level 180 to buy doesn’t meant it won’t be added when the level cap is higher.

If that were the case the Brigs level should have been 5 higher than it is

Im currnetly making “word-to-word” QNA, and i saw this, but noone seems to be talking about this. So here you go, a gif

Magic cannon fist

why doesn’t the torso move ;-;
it looks so unimpactful

it’s an m1 and a tiny blast