Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

??? We’d be dead if the Ravenna kingdoms finds us, Curse user or not Curser

have you considered that we have the death curse user in our midst in the story
not to mention we soloed calvus IN LORE after being starved and sleeping for only 4ish hours for a month.

we wouldn’t last against the whole bronze legion, but some random scouts that see us will be corpses before they can even call for backup

I remeber Tech saying Nero had skill issue. Meaning he was a guy who was probs hard carried by his Curse, and got killed by someone genuinely skilled, maybe.

Oy yeah i meant him either way


New wilderness island!

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It’s gonna consist of dozens of tiny parts that make charts hell just like palo town isn’t it :sob:

cryo made the palo town of treasure charts in nimbus, its jover

Who would’ve thought the desert island would be the place to sell ice

this name is so cool
and since it’s build by cryonical, it’s probably a cool island as well


Cargo trips… WHICH I DONT DO!.. Will be fun to watch

A bit unrelated but still a cool trivia

Written in Aramaic, this can be valued at 666 using the Hebrew numerology of gematria, and was used to secretly speak against the emperor.[citation needed] Additionally, “Nero Caesar” in the Hebrew alphabet is נרון קסר NRON QSR , which when interpreted numerically represents the numbers 50 200 6 50 100 60 200, which add up to 666

Firstly we only spent only 1 month ish jail.
Secondly its been confirmed Calvus is super weak cuz a moron (he’s weaker than Julian)
Thirdly Morden isnt that strong, same with us. Vetex stated that if for example wed fight any of Wotan’s sons, our whole team would be wiped out.
And again, if Ravenna found us at Wind-Row we would’ve been dead, Curse user or no Curse user


he better have snuck another :fr: in there

Yeah that was weird to me too

I hate the ravenna ships from windrow only because the centurions use WoM styled 20 hit blasts… Which hurts…

Calvus was decently strong, but his strength was only from his magic. Also Julian is naturally stronger than like 99% of the human population just by having a curse.

what bs is this. Morden is strong enough to go toe to toe with most people we’d encounter and we are incredibly powerful compared to most people at our level.

this is less us being weak and more Wotan and his family being absolutely goated

if the entire Bronze Legion found us? yeah no shit

but the most coming at us at Wind-Row would be scouts that would get no diffed by iris or morden

the Bronze Legion is currently too disorganized to send out fleets to search for us.

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He wasn’t “decently strong”, he was weak. He tried to learn everything instead of focusing on what he knew, causing him to be the worst savant I’ve ever seen.

Yeah Wotan’s family is just busted so that’s a bad comparaison, but it still stay the fact that MC currently isn’t that powerful and neither is Morden, Morden has had his curse for an extremely short duration, I think it’s 2 or 3 months, haven’t checked his diary recently, and he’s extremely inexperienced with it.

In the “Escaping the Fleet” story part we see that Ravenna sent way more than just a few scouts after us.

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@Cryonical does this also have a pit somewhere that you’re unaware of

oh wait