Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

he better have snuck another :fr: in there

Yeah that was weird to me too

I hate the ravenna ships from windrow only because the centurions use WoM styled 20 hit blasts
 Which hurts

Calvus was decently strong, but his strength was only from his magic. Also Julian is naturally stronger than like 99% of the human population just by having a curse.

what bs is this. Morden is strong enough to go toe to toe with most people we’d encounter and we are incredibly powerful compared to most people at our level.

this is less us being weak and more Wotan and his family being absolutely goated

if the entire Bronze Legion found us? yeah no shit

but the most coming at us at Wind-Row would be scouts that would get no diffed by iris or morden

the Bronze Legion is currently too disorganized to send out fleets to search for us.

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He wasn’t “decently strong”, he was weak. He tried to learn everything instead of focusing on what he knew, causing him to be the worst savant I’ve ever seen.

Yeah Wotan’s family is just busted so that’s a bad comparaison, but it still stay the fact that MC currently isn’t that powerful and neither is Morden, Morden has had his curse for an extremely short duration, I think it’s 2 or 3 months, haven’t checked his diary recently, and he’s extremely inexperienced with it.

In the “Escaping the Fleet” story part we see that Ravenna sent way more than just a few scouts after us.

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@Cryonical does this also have a pit somewhere that you’re unaware of

oh wait

a lost magic user, no matter how bad they are, are still “decently strong” compared to most soldiers

but yes, he was absolutely pathetic compared any competent lost magic savant

well, that’s like because that’s the fleet dedicated to protecting Ravenna and is constantly stationed there. Notice how they didn’t chase us down to Wind-Row. You can argue we out sailed them, but it was 3 ships to one (4 counting the sailboat) so they had an advantage. It was clearly one of the fleets of B.L ships that are stationed to protect Ravenna.

Possibly, but there’s also the fact I think we just lost them, there’s no way they’d give up otherwise, we just killed their king.
On top of that I doubt the fleet that was chasing is is their whole fleet.

yeah, I meant to say one of the fleets protecting Ravenna. Since it’s only a small fraction of the fleet, it means that it’s probably just the ones nearby and since they rushed in with backup means they were too enraged to organize a witch hunt on us.

I doubt we could’ve really lost them because there’s only like 2 islands we could reasonably go to and they’d make sure we couldn’t go north of Ravenna.

the sea is way bigger in the lore prob, we can prob loose them, heck, getting to Wind-Row maybe took a full day for what we know

how would you lose a group of ships on open water? No shot we sailed away that fast, especially having to stop to blow up a sailboat. It’s much more likely they just turned back once they realized they needed to reorganize

I really doubt they’d abandon the chase, there’s gotta be a more practical reason imo.

I dunno, maybe fear of being invaded now their king is dead and major fortress destroyed? they have to reorganize and build up a defense against an inevitable invasion

Guys please stop fighting, make a seperate topic for yourself or go into dms.

imma go inside something else than your dms mf

this topic’s entire purpose is to hold discussions yet you suggest them to stop discussing stuff :sob:

Screenshot 2024-03-14 055301

sounds like bootleg shell island

I hope it’s largely underwater
it could be very cool to swim around with a fish build

who are you to stop us from having a relatively civil discussion hm? we were at most somewhat agressively countering eachothers points.

take your own advice and skedaddle out of this thread.
