Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

what was the orgininal stun duation again, 0.8s right?


Some of these changes silly u right but u should not get this mad over a game relax brother

I think the idea that you won’t be able to combo out of Rushdown is silly, while Piercing Strikes has its issues it’s still a grab you can combo out of. You’ll probably be able to at least land Shot consistently after a Rushdown since it will still tag them if they dash away.

That being said it probably should’ve just been bug fixed, was probably my fault for going with the “just remove the effect” narrative, outside of bugs it was never really problematic.

Mage still has Javelin 2nd magic

the quality on these images is so bad ;-;

well ye considering they were deleted in the first place

Drakos Arch looks incredible

they must’ve taken a full screenshot and then cropped each image out, because there is no way vetex managed to take screen shots with this low quality

Idk these are the only images they have

I would assume we will find out pretty soon wether it’s real or fake
(I hope)

Dam so dragons are now confirmed to exist in the au

I wonder which one is Drakos arch

To be fair, there’s a dragon skull secret in WOM, so ig they were confirmed for a while now.
Either a dragon or wyvern

WoM’s not canon anymore though

These look like they’re from the same island so I think that one is real at least. Others look like they could definitely be real too imo

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It’s the graveyard of masts, the first place we go in nimbus I believe

Thats what I was thinking.

Then the island we got in the twitter image is the unnamed wilderness island, while the dragon one is Drakos arch. I really hope I don’t need to explain which island is the one with the massive desert and the city.

Me when Twitter compression

I think he likes lore