Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

so what’s the problem?
He fixed the bugs in a way which was most effective, by simply removing the feature all together.
tbh, it looks quite out of place with all the current quite fancy visuals; you just hit someone into the ground and a large brown brick just appears
also it’d still be insanely annoying and inconsistent even if vetex fixed the stunning, since sometimes players get stuck underneath it or it just triggers in mid air or something. It probably just made more sense to remove it.

Strength builds just manifesting a brown brick to catch their opponent via sheer willpower

Its a brown brick, you really think that came from just their willpower?

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nah, all strength users are secretly earth magic users
(they just want to look special)

no, they just
all over the place

prob not for bronze muskets idk…

wish this game was paid access so people didn’t say some dumb shit like “you got this game for free” when others points out how fucking braindead vetex can be because HOW ARE YOU GONNA MAKE COPPERSHROOM FARMING EVEN FUCKING WOOOORSE

if you’re gonna keep fucking this shit up just remove it and write your damn game/book already, we know that’s what you wanna do
also please for the love of god take a break BEFORE dropping the update when you know that there’s gonna need to be fifty thousand hotfixes no matter what

vetex gonna respond with something like “If you don’t like the changes I make, then just simply don’t play the game and stop bitching, lol”


probably, i’m just mad that i’m gonna have to eat shit and go grinding anyway

though i haven’t played since november so i could be an even greater bitch if i wanted

That’s a 100% something he could say

That’s 100% something he would say

it sure is, and its also pretty valid

looks like hes already seen some comments people are making lmao

but he has a point, there will be a good reason why hes making these changes, and he isnt doing it just to piss people off. plus like he said, if you dont like the changes, play another game and fuck off


It is what it is


does this mean the reflex changes are only going to affect combat?

no dude the fact that you had to aim wasn’t the issue it was just that they were hard to hit and hit hard

the hard to hit part is being significantly nerfed by lowering number of airdashes and reducing airdash momentum

Good change but still bro nerfed max attack size by like 30%

if you ever wonder why stuff like this happens, remember that tiers increase size by a large margin

and noone, not ever, wants to deal with metaL mages but even worse again

Just nerf metal size