Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

its not a really fucking big deal omg

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People are too scared to see my low ranged 173 attack size explosion blast

They will be scared of my 200 atk speed build

Propaganda posters like from minecraft are going to start popping up out of nowhere before you know it.

Atleast in their context, mojang has the power to add all of the mobs for the cost of more time in development. This is not worth the effort to make propaganda ngl

am I the only one that likes this change :sob:

How do you feel about Magic M1s finally being added?
  • Very Positive
  • Positive
  • Neutral
  • Negative
  • Very negative
0 voters

I think everyone except a specific person with cioccolata as his pfp hates it


Like mages not having an m1 kinda bothered me hopefully you can customize this new basic spell lol

I dont see the point in customization but yeah

I mean maybe having an option to look like a very small beam maybe?

Y’all not to sound like a Christmas grouch but can you please try to chat somewhere else or make a topic? I get excited to look at patch notes and it’s just convos…

Elysium will be CLOSED on December 25th, please spend time with your families. Noble sends their regards. - Noble Phantasm, Vetexgames

Proofs Billy, we need proofs


mages having m1 helps with the blast cd nerf, it feels like eternity waiting to spam another blast now

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i wonder if they’ll be any passive spells in the future that change this up like how theres supposed to be lost spells that replace one of your limbs or make your charging explode and that stuff

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tbh I kinda like the mage m1 idea.
it finally gives magic based builds an attack that you can use while moving

also I wonder how it’s going to work with high knockback wind builds :>

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Imagine rowboat sized explosion magic m1

imagine the average sand mage whipping up a whole sand storm just by holding down m1

or 2 snow mages just starting a snowball fight