No Double Tap to Dodge

No Double Tap to Dodge
effort 2.545454545454545 11 quality 3.75 12 reasonability 4.0 14

I won’t even consider those a possibility since not everybody even has access to those buttons.

I’d gladly move the E spell to H, and then reserve H for a spell like high jump and then using E as my dodge button. Customization for preference is beautiful.

The ONLY way this can be implemented properly is if full keybinds exist. MANY keys are taken and the only possible ones really are y, h, n, and further to the right keys. Everything else has a purpose.

Might sound dumb but uh… wouldn’t that prevent you from dodging to the right without placing your fingers in a weird position?

I’d just have to let go of W

Didn’t vetex already say that keybinds are planned

No, just switching keys for lost spells. A full keybind system would imply rebinding absolutely every key.

good suggestion
sad that the fundamental way this game functions uses alot of optimal keys so I will probably resort to just using double tap as much as I would like to use Q instead

Just lower our spell count lol

Jesus christ yes please

mine doesn’t

id be ok with this ngl. extra magics add more slots it ain’t hurting too much

Yeah I like the idea of it being optional because sometimes it’s extremely annoying, having a dedicated key rather than double tapping is always good. It would be cool if you could set the sensitivity so for the people who want to keep using tap to dodge they could set it to low sensitivity if they have a bad trigger finger and high sensitivity if they can press it fast enough.

That way those who keep it can make sure they would have to press the keys in rapid succession rather than pressing W two times half a second apart and dodging off a cliff.

Looks like this

my mouse has 3? going to upgrade to a 8-keyed one in the future

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What about “B”?

i don’t wanna buy a new mouse just so i can perform a basic maneuver notfunny

I half despised those kind of mouses because I remember accidentally clicking one of those side buttons whilst in the middle of a game back in 2012 and I lost my progress

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