Noble Phantasm | Dark Sea Saga

I am shaking and crying fr

Spoken like a potassium rich food :moyai:

Funnily enough, I’m clanless.

Play any other PVP mmo, whether that be Albion Online and Eve Online, and you’ll find that this behavior is both rewarded and encouraged by the game design.

There’s nothing unfair about it, because you have countless ways to avoid these situations to begin with. Simply limiting yourself to shorter runs or bringing a player escort will significantly improve your chances of survival, by participating in these group-scale activities as a solo player you have to acknowledge the risk of you just getting swamped out by a better-equipped group of players.

The possibility of pirates trying to seize your cargo is a critical component of the game’s balance: Without it, there’d be no risk to cargo runs, so everybody would just do these massive cargo runs that would inflate the value of galleons to the point of making the currency worthless.

Consider doing less risky activities if you want to avoid pvp: Ingredient farming, boss farming, rival farming, ingredient farming, treasure charts, fishing, trading, and many more activities all come to mind.

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You got one thing wrong though, AO is mainly a PVE game, the Dark Sea update was meant for PVE players. The entire update revolves around replayabilty the and risk in the Dark Sea is trying to survive the dangers of it to get better loot other then lower yielding activites such as rival farming.

Even if you say to prepare for PVP encounters or try to avoid them, its impossible where a PVP focused clan comes and sinks your ship and then kills you. And remember PVP is a side thing, so they might as well abuse the gale surge bug with no way to counter it. You could say love potions but vetex ruined it.

TL:DR AO is a PVE game, what the PVP clan did was really scummy with no way to counter it.


This is actually because PvE players want to grind dark sealed chests and then a PvP focused clan comes by and murders them is kind of pathetic.
Killing a PvER trying to enjoy the game that they play and PvPer that go out of their way to do this makes the AO community and PvP community look bad.

You say AO is a PVE game, and yet almost all of the balance effort goes towards PVP instead, while leaving PVE in the dust.

PVE balancing has been severely neglected, and to a point where most of the existing dark sea combat encounters have already become trivial to the average playerbase.

Oi, why you disrespecting me bruv!, now empty the compartments of your pantaloons.

(it’s not my fault to expect a “very nice community” of pirates when he said that they are a “very nice community” of pirates)

fuck the balance team bro they have a hall of infamy channel showing what the balancers do instead of actually “balancing”



you know that they being pirates or not don’t disprove what i said right? they still are not a “very nice community”.

man this clan must be so friendly

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ur scum

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The dark sea exists for the future too. I doubt much will get changed as we progress and the mutated atlanteans just become fodder. its meant to be trivial

i forgot banana was back this blindsided me :sob:

anyways Nobles just sound lazy asf to kill someone coming back after grinding dark sea for hours get a spine :yawning_face:


man really pulled out the balance team to try to suck up to daddy phantasm huh?


worst part is it would be better content if they just did an expedition and got the chests themselves

true there would be way more funny moments to make the content actually engaging instead of a 5v1 gank going “EZ LOOT”

5v1 a far reaches atlantean

balance team is just pvpheads gg