Notable Note Museum

Hello, do you remember notes exist? I do, and I daresay I’m fairly good at them.


(This was after a two hour or so break from ao)

And I must say, while some (Re: almost every single one) are pretty bad, there are some that are actually fairly nice, and deserve an appraisal. Some are actually even funny. I want YOU to post images of notes that you find funny or notable for various reasons, because believe it or not they do exist.

So go ahead, post any notes you come across that you find funny, or helpful, or anything else that deserves to be immortalized in a post.

No I don’t

And that’s what this topic is for. Go find some dumb note and post it here

What’s your secret? I need to know so that I finally find a use in my 150+ notebooks (other than helping people out by providing information)

I just find these two to be wholesome

The forbidden storm aura is warmwater’s secret :broken_heart:

Sometimes I wish I can make a note saying “take a long walk off a short pier” or something similar

there’s been several copycats sometimes when I go up there, it’s funny because I saw two up there last time and a few minutes later they were gone

Good on you for noticing that note!

you do know notebooks aren’t consumed by placing a note

if you want, I could write a guide on HOW TO NOTE

Do it

Teach us your ways

Alright, I will. But there’s one major rule that I must ask you to follow as a proper note-taker: NEVER steal ANYONE’s Note. Let’s say you find some pretty popular note, and later you go back and it’s gone. Don’t try to just replace it to try getting some appraisals, unless the note is hinting at a secret (notes regarding “secret here” are fair enough, given that it’s very likely many people have the same idea. It wouldn’t be considered plagiarism in this case). Don’t even try placing a similar note near it. Do NOT plagiarize.

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i hit scribe last saturday then gave up because i cba to place notes every 10 mins to be optimal

my method was going up to female npcs and placing “beautiful… ahead”

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For some reason I really enjoyed this one at fort castrum

I remember on top of cedar arch i put one saying “Archipelago! But not here!”

an update on this:

there was one in front of the corrosive water well whatever it’s called that said try diving ahead or something like that and behind it like a few meters away it said liar ahead

environmental storytelling

you should go optiCal instead