Notoriety & Navy Company Systems adjustment

Notoriety & Navy Company Systems adjustment
effort 4.333333333333333 6 quality 4.666666666666667 6 reasonability 4.833333333333333 12

Notoriety is unbelievably obnoxious and contributes very little to the game.
I will be one of the first to tell you: trying to do literally anything with a notoriety above 2 is genuinely impossible at the moment.

The navy will quite literally swim across the world to chase you (which in itself is unbelievably stupid), and once you deal with them your notoriety goes up and they become more frequent until you either get screwed or have to pay obnoxious amounts of money so you can play the game again.

Another downside to villains, awesome.
I had to pay 1k because I got assaulted by 5 fortified and heavy navy ketches worth of npcs. In fact, I actually had to PVP with a navy company running after me earlier, and eventually I quite literally couldn’t leave Ravenna without having my already ship obliterated (get on that Ravenna villain shipwright fix, for the love of god) and now that I’m broke from buying off the navy and am still getting attacked by them anyways, I’m calling for a new solution.

What is the fix? What’s the problem?
If you didn’t bother to read my rant (which is understandable) the underlying issue is you are forced to pay money in order to play the game.
The navy can rapidly go from a random sailboat here or there to 16 commadore kais on a supertruck flying across the sea at 99 mph to open a new one in your skull - and it’s not enjoyable. It’s convenient for ship farming, but anything else and it’s simply not.
Heroes already lack a ton of the downsides villains do; why are we being subject to even more issues exclusive to the alignment?
It makes sense thematically… but so do a variety of other things that negate this.

Speaking of… Why can’t we lay low and hide from the navy until they assume we have left? Why can’t we dodge the navy by using uninhabited islands or other techniques?
Both of these make sense as genuine solutions to lose notoriety without having to pay exorbitant amounts of galleons to play the game again.

Or, here’s another: actual basic limits on how much the navy can send after you and how long the navy can chase you.
Both of these can be canonically explained, anyways: for one, humans cannot swim forever. I would be disappointed if this is somehow controversial.
And second: wouldn’t the navy opt to back down or regroup if you literally eliminated 4xs silverholds active duty singlehandedly?
There’s a point where the navy logistically cannot keep endlessly throwing ships at you - especially in servers where the navy’s influence has already been lowered by other attacks and conflicts. So why don’t they leave you alone after you kill enough, even if for a day at most?

What if it removes a major downside of being a villain?
Then just give the notoriety system additional risks or functionalities. It’s not hard from a logical standpoint.
How about this: the navy becomes a less significant part of notoriety and crime, but players are able to fulfill the role previously filled by the ai navy?
Navy players will gain more precise information on your location, prompting police pursuit and a giving us a reason to still remove notoriety manually, instead of just hiding out like in this suggestion and getting to ignore notoriety for free.

What’s the takeaway from all of this?
The notoriety system is garbage. Give us ways to remove it without dumping loads of money into the assassin, please finally let us repair ships at Ravenna as a villain, give the Navy a hard limit so they aren’t worse than the GTAV police on boats; and if the notoriety system is all but removed from the game then let player intervention drive it instead of annoying AI that constantly disrupts the in-game experience.


Close enough

Makes sense that not doing anything for a while that would draw the navy to your location would lower notoriety. Would kinda work like GTA’s 5 star system, where if you keep on fighting the navy they’ll keep on coming and coming.

While yeah, it doesn’t make sense to keep on sending your naval forces for one guy who keeps on destroying them. I propose a repurposing of this, what if it worked as a system that rewarded pushing back the navy? It basically becomes a system where waves of Grand Navy come in, and if you defeat multiple heavy ketches and consistently push back their forces for a while then the naval forces are forced back. The reward would be renown/bounty and a hit to the grand navy influence. I don’t want to add to this but if it is logical enough then maybe some navy chests/sealed chests that could give access to unique loot. Say a piece of a blueprint towards building an ironclad ship or something (requires you to hunt across multiple seas and once one is received it is locked from giving anymore blueprints).

(Noticed you mentioned GTA as well)

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close enough

LOL. Yeah that’s close, but still not what I was alluding to.


Not sure if the forums pings you if I make an edit including more quotes from you but there are my thoughts.

I don’t know if it does but regardless, I keep an eye on threads I make until like 12h after the last post so I saw it anyways.
I like your reply. Pretty interesting and rather productive.

I will make my own idea to compliment yours.

Worst part about it is it affects both sides, it isn’t just putting Villain into Hardcore difficulty, its also turning the Hero experience into Adopt Me. A villain comes by, and my hero profile gets an agro’d marine that can’t damage me stuck to me, so I just have some random marine chasing me that I can’t kill.

The navy sending 7 heavy ketches because I stole estrid’s chest that contained 2 galleons


Yeah notoriety is just boring and exhausting. Constantly fighting navy can be fun at first, but after a bit it just becomes annoying since you randomly get huge lag spikes from a bunch of navy boats ramming into whatever island you are on. Some people say that notoriety is good, but it’s super exhausting being forced into grinding sealed chests forever or playing huge sums of money to remove lag. This suggestion reminds me of another about a locational notoriety system, and I do think it is a more specific rework to notoriety. But having more people talk about an annoying mechanic is good, maybe it will be changed later.

All of your points I have personally experienced, I personally play as a villain because it’s more fun than having 10000 fame get taken away because you accidentally scratched a window. I love the way being a villain works, in every way EXCEPT notoriety, almost 100% of the time, clearing my notoriety costs more than my bounty, which make’s literally no sense. making ravenna a neutral place would make it SO much better considering that I can’t get any services at the place I spawn (aside from assassins) or interact with anyone and it would make sense anyway considering that ravenna people don’t know who you are with the disguise anyway.

Indeed this shit needs to get reworked, W suggestion indeed :moyai:

I had like 5 notoriety before, i had to deal eith 5 heavy navy ships going aftering me, after i dealt with then ANOTHER 5 heavy navy ships came. And more stupidly that there was this one heavy ketch with one major, 1 lieutenent, 2 captains, 4 vice captains, and only 2 soldiers. This is unbelievably stupid as fuck

(I don’t know how long they stay away for, but from what it looks like, a five star notoriety isn’t actually the end of it and it can keep going while displayed as five stars. In my experience, killing off all of the navy units sent after me ends up keeping them away for the rest of my life, but I’m not too sure.)

I imagine that the Grand Navy has to manage their resources, right? Maybe on top of laying low, being a maniacal motherfucking WARRIOR would probably end up with them deciding to retreat and rethink their strategy, leaving you alone for a good amount of time afterwards, or until you do something really notable like… showing up to Silverhold for Kai’s ass or assassinating/bounty hunting a bunch of GN marines or heroes or your rival. Maybe not enough to get you on the Agora (because then it’d be basically impossible to avoid them in a low player server, and it’d be extremely easy to not get into the Agora if you’re in a maxed server), but something significant.

So, I’m gonna expand of the GN strategy idea I have as a mini-suggestion of sorts, which may or may not be more difficult to throw in. Why not try to implement a system of approach?
Imagine you’ve got one star notoriety. A sailboat is sent out with a few marines and maybe a vice captain to see what you’ve got going on and to haul you off to Silverhold, expecting that you’re just another bandit or something. They get nuked by a Level 125 Pulsar, and the Grand Navy, after not getting any news back aside from witness reports saying that “this blue sailboat got ANNIHILATED”, decide that they need to take a different approach.
There’s only, like, two of these in my head right now, but there’s probably plenty more that someone else can think of.

  • Stalking
    If you’ve got notoriety and are sailing around the Bronze Sea, you might notice a navy boat or two following your trail. If you stop, they stop not soon after. They track you until your reach land, where they either pass by and report back to Silverhold about whatever you did (which could either result in a notoriety increase, decrease, or nothing at all), or they dock their ship and start chasing after you if your notoriety’s already high enough.
  • Fighting
    Instead of following you around, they immediately give chase and try to sink your ship, similar to what they do ingame, just without every marine instantly getting aggro’d once the ship’s close enough, instead only doing so if you board their ship to fight back. You could also leave all the loot and ditch them in order to save yourself, as they won’t swim after you, but if you’re really gonna leave all of that loot behind, what the hell is wrong with you? If you land at shore before they can sink your boat, they get out and chase after you.

The enemies and their way of combat here could vary, too.

  • Quantity over Quality
    They send a large number of Navy members that are below your level (at lvl 125, a bunch of vice captains/captains), but would cause you trouble if they all attacked you together.
  • Quality over Quantity
    They send a Navy member who’s stronger than you after you (at lvl 125, a major or commander), with a crew of basic marines to operate their boat. These guys are trouble if you’re not good at PvE.
  • Fuck you!
    They send Commodore Kai (or some other powerful autogenerated NPC) and a couple of majors or commanders on separate boats after you to put an end to your madness. They’re automatically set to Fighting, so they’re gonna try to re-enact what they did to Caria’s ship before she ended up at Shell Island, so you’d better pray to whatever your character is worshipping that you’re close to an island.
    This is reserved for a scenario where your character could get five stars, hide away and lose them, and then immediately go back on their murder spree, making the Grand Navy realize that you’re not going to stop your rampage. If you manage to overcome the Fuck You approach, the Grand Navy gives up and leaves you alone for the rest of your play session. Sure, there’s definitely ranks above that of Commodore that they could generate and send after you that you have no chance of winning against, but where’s the fun in that?

Thinking about it now, I should probably just apply for Suggestions or something, because no one other than you is gonna see this.

(Also, is it just me, or does the use of magic feel unsuited for the Grand Navy and the Bronze Legion? It feels like they should be mostly made of Warriors and Warlords, maybe Berserkers, but magic feels like something that only the best of the best would have, and even then, they’d probably only use it as Conjurers or Warlocks. I guess them being outfitted in uniforms and armor instead of decorations and robes is what makes that for me.)


I said “get on it asap” in the post because it actually has been confirmed as a consideration by the mods. I’m just waiting for it to happen, because it appears to be highly likely; and I don’t know why it wasn’t implemented on this patch.

Yeah. Actually, I had to pay 1k here because I refused to pay 800 earlier; so it definitely seems like it continues to track numerically even if you don’t get above 5 stars.

This is actually incorrect. The agora reports set actions; it will repeat as many events as there are players fulfilling the requirements and can go on for multiple pages. I don’t think it is difficult to choose whether or not you end up in the agora, especially considering neutral actions (such as killing pirates) can be made immune to notoriety raises like it already is anyways.
If you want the agora to factor in notoriety, then it’s already quite possible.

Nah. People are gifted magic at random in this world, so naturally the military would be made up specifically of those who can utilize magic. In fact, it would make more sense for the military to be majority magic wielders, with the nonmagical fighters making up a far more even split of the upper ranks than the lower ranks.

Well… for one, mods do read the threads. It’s part of their job.
And second, I do recommend going for the suggestions role. It’s quite easy to obtain and very worthwhile.



I don’t know how bumping rules work (all I know is no necrobumping) but in this case, this page has sparked significant discussion and I’m looking to keep it open for 1-2 more days to allow votes to accumulate and suggestions to be made.

Yes please. One of the big reasons I’ve stopped playing as a criminal is that it’s just so phaken inconvenient.

Navy be really sending 5 Silverholds at you sometimes. It could get to the point where you are playing tower defence simulator against Navy at some small island. Maybe they could also add bounty hunters, which is Navy’s last desperate attempt at catching you after you already beaten them up. They dont really belong to Navy and are just some random Heroes taking Navy’s request to catch you. These guys would be about your level, or larger, and would begin check the island you are in to catch you if you happen to be in a populated positive rep island without disquise like in Ravenna, or positive rep npc spotted you at some uninhabited island. If you dont do any crimes for a very long time they will eventually forget about you, unless you have REALLY high bounty.

I want building to come just so we could do this

I have my own ideas on how notoriety should be fixed that I’ll post later on, but I feel like a main issue with notoriety as a whole currently is a small bug that hasn’t been fixed or noticed yet, somewhere in the change logs notoriety is suppose to passively decrease overtime, yet it does not.