So after countless servers and NPCs, I believe I have some idea of which set corresponds to what accessories, and how commonly they appear. I’ll reference the phase 3 and 4 appearances more, but I’ll mention what phase 1/2 info I have as well.
Just a quick reference on how I classify things are rare or not:
Common: There’s almost certainly one or two in your server
Uncommon: You probably find one every other server your join, not frequent but not hard to find either
Rare: They don’t appear as often but still show up every once in a while
Exceptionally rare: It’s hard to find one in your server at all unless they’re someone’s rival.
Usually wears top hats, fancy suits, monocles, and merchant’s set at phases 3/4.
Rarity: Rare
Usually wears a steel/titanium set, sometimes without the helmet. They also can wear capes. They’re pretty tanky, usually exceeding 2000 hp if they use a vitality build as well.
They tend to wear leather armor in their earlier phases.
Rarity: Common
What the hell classifies as an archer set?
Rarity: ???
Often wears the sorcerer set, along with mystic hoods or capes. The amount of damage that increases makes them pretty annoying to fight, but also kind of fragile.
They’ll wear the wizard set in their earlier phases.
Rarity: Exceptionally rare
Bounty Hunter:
Now, I have two guesses for this.
The first one is the warrior one. They start out pretty bare but eventually gain warrior boots, and later on warrior armor, a hood, and sometimes a cape or eyepatch.
The reason I’m guessing this set is because some of the phase 1/2 ones wear hunting armor.
The second guess is the mercenary jacket kind. They were merc jackets and boots, along with headbands, eyepatches, and bandanas. I don’t know what else this could be. Maybe an archer. I haven’t seen too many in their early phases so I don’t know what they could look like.
Rarity (Warrior set): Common
Rarity (Merc set): Rare?
Pirates often start out with stuff like durags or undershirt jackets/striped shirts. They slowly transition to a seafarer coat, pirate hats, and pirate captain cloaks. They may also wear pirate legs or a large back coat, and look like NPC pirate ship captains.
Rarity: Common
What’s the difference between this and pirate? Honestly not a whole lot. Sailors start out similar to pirates but instead sometimes wear sailor headbands and sailor cloaks as well rather than a pirate hat and cloak. You’ll have to get the NPC to phase 3 or 4 to figure out what it truly is.
Rarity: Uncommon/Rare
These NPCs don’t wear a whole lot. They might have warrior boots sometimes, but often they’ll wear fighter jackets or martial artist gi. Sometimes they’ll have headbands or iron fists.
Rarity: Uncommon
These NPCs start out wearing straw hats, and eventually add on samurai or wanderer robes and pants. They’ll usually wear a bandana too, and sometimes an eyepatch. They’re probably the most obvious set compared to the others.
Rarity: Uncommon
Unclassified accessories:
Viking helmets belong to pirates? I have no idea where these go
Explorer backpacks are worn in earlier phases. However I saw one on a samurai and another on a mystery theme NPC (possibly bounty hunter)?
Possibly more
Also deckhands seem to use the same outfit themes.