NPC Crews and What They Could Add!

What if you could have a full navy and war against an enemy faction? That would be EPIC!!! Well, that’s why I’m here with you now.


The reason I got the idea for adding nonhuman NPCs is because I thought there are some very tough bosses in my suggestion “Nonhuman Character Ideas” (Link at the end.) and it would make sea battle a lot more fun if you had a large crew to man your boat, but there aren’t enough players to have a good sized crew so I thought “What if you had a NPC Crew?” The way you would get these crew-members would be by paying them with Galleons, doing favors, and through Storyline Quests! The way you would control these crews would be by selecting targets (for Cannoncrew, Archers, Fire Archers, and Boarders), or having them act like sails (basically, you make an animation for all the Rower-like jobs and they would only do it when you press W or click toggle sails). With this in mind I made some ideas on boosts certain species and jobs would have on your crew. You could also add some form of ship customization like in Tradelands! (link at the end.)




Aim is used in Jobs like Cannoncrew, Archers, and Fire Archers. Aim improves the chance for your ammunition to hit.


Strength Is used in jobs like Cannoncrew, Archers, Fire Archers, and Boarders. Strength is used to improve the damage your units do.


Endurance Is used in all jobs but most important for Boarders. Endurance is the amount of health your crewmembers have.


Speed Is used in all jobs. Speed affects how fast your crew does it’s jobs.


Swimming Is used in the job Boarders. Swimming is what allows your units to swim, can only be True or False.

Musical Talent

Musical Talent Is used in Bards. Affects how well your Bards play/sing. The better your Bards play/sing the better they cancel out Sirens.



Rowers The Rowers job is to row your boat. Important stats are Strength and Speed


Bards The Bards job is to keep your crew from low moral, or drown out the Siren’s singing. Most important skill is Musical Talent. (To make your bards play you could have a button somewhere to toggle it. They don’t actually need to play any music.


Boarders The Boarders Job is to Board a target ship and take control, research, or pirate that ship. Most important stats are Strength, Endurance, Swimming, and speed.


Archers The Archers use arrows and muskets to kill target ships’ crew. Important stats are Aiming, Strength, and Speed.

Fire Archers

Fire Archers The Fire Archers use fire arrows to deal damage to target ships. Important stats for Fire Archers are Aiming, Strength, and Speed.


Cannoncrew The cannoncrew load, aim and fire the cannons/mortars they are assigned to. Important stats for cannoncrew are: Aiming, Strength, and Speed.

Morality System

Morality is the will to do your job. The higher your crew’s moral the faster they do their job (total speed is Moral+Speed Stat). Be warned if your crew’s moral gets too low, it may cause a Mutiny.


If you happen to get a Mutiny on your ship your crew will attack you. What if you don’t defeat your crew? Well, then you get thrown in your own cabin and they lock you in. The only way to escape is if someone comes and rescues you, or if you break out (You will still need to pay for the damage you cause your own ship though.)

Legendary Crews! Optional

What if you could have someone like Orpheus as your bard? Well, I think that would also be awesome, so I thought, what if there was a Legendary chance to recruit certain heroes? (the chance to recruit a hero like this would be a 1/40,000 chance like Legendary Charts, but they wouldn’t actually be the same heroes so you couldn’t get Odysseus, or Orpheus, or Achilles but you could get characters similar to them in your crew.

Where would you get them? At Taverns, you could interact with the Tavernkeep and he would have a list of characters you can recruit and where to find them. Often times they are sitting in the tavern and you just need to go talk to them. For Rare+ Rarity crew-members you need to do a quest for them, whether it’s “Go get the Golden Fleece,” “Go kill (Insert name here) the leader of a nearby Rising Mist Bandits camp,” or “Go kill (Insert name here) a Grand Navy Captain”

For the GUI I was thinking that the list would have, and I think it should have: a Name, a Picture, the Species Name, and rarity, and If you hover over the picture it would display the stats that Recruit-able has.


Aim: 20

Str: 15

End: 10

Spd: 12

Swm: F

MuT: 2


What would this add?

I think that this suggestion would be fun, and add more life to the game. It would also create more interesting, and immersive Naval Battles by making it so you can use all of your cannons/mortars. In AA there weren’t any real naval wars or even battles because there just aren’t enough players for you to have a full crew. If you can use NPCs though a full scale naval battle would be possible and more fun! With NPC crews you could also add much larger scale land battles! You could have full armies on both sides, and if your not careful your in for a scare!

Spoiler! Don't look!


Nonhuman Characters

Nonhuman Character Ideas (I'm willing to help with models)

Ship Ideas

Ships and 1850s

Community Q&A

Q: Will you answer our questions? (or insert picture of question here)
A: Yes!

this could be pretty good, my only potential problem for this is lag and server issues and problems of the sort

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That is why when I first introduced this idea in the Nonhuman Character Ideas I said it was optional as I can see a lot of problems in it, but it would be really awesome if it was managed. I wonder how big MMOs manage things similar to this…

why are u tryna turn ao into some overly complicated weird ass strategy game

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This is only a suggestion, but that was not my goal. I’m simply trying to make Naval Combat a bit more enjoyable. My ideas aren’t perfect, and they definitely won’t be exactly the same if implemented. I’m an Amateur in Game Design, I don’t expect it to go perfectly. This idea shouldn’t look like me trying to turn AO into a “weird butt strategy game.”

Seeing as boats mainly serve as travel vessels rather than anything specifically related to stories or quests (beyond housing ppl to kill), I don’t find this likely or necessary.

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They would be Side Quests that a person with good stats will join you if you do something for them.

BRUH all of this was implemented in Assassins Creed 4 you just big stuupid


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