Nonhuman Character Ideas (I'm willing to help with models)

WARNING: This is a long read.
I know that a lot of people have been asking for non-human fights, and I think this would be cool as well, so I came up with a bunch of boss ideas and I am willing to send models I make for these boss ideas. Also this took 10 hours so if I have any errors or things you don’t understand please tell me so I can fix them.

Non-human Bosses/NPCs


I don’t have the damage these attacks do posted because I don’t know what level these bosses would come into the game at or what the average boat size and health would be.
Note: this section will be edited and upgraded as I come up with boss ideas.


I think that Charybdis would be a cool boss because It would be intense, difficult, maybe require some beforehand planning, and because some of my attack ideas are would make this fight fun and difficult. Let me start with a picture of what my Charybdis model looks like. I don’t have any textures on this model, and it was made on a baseplate so it doesn’t look as epic as it could.

Charybdis’ attacks would be similar to:
  • When in Charybdis’ Whirlpools take continuous heavy damage.
  • Making Tidal Waves, moving your ships toward it’s mouth.
  • Spitting out scalding water at nearby players.
  • Using tentacles to attack a nearby ships.
  • Mortar-like water magic attacks, or spitting out chunks of boats and rocks.
  • Finally, It could use tentacles to make smaller whirlpools, or it could heat the water around it creating an intense thunderstorm to surround it.
  • 12 Crates would float onto the surface,
  • Approx. 30,000 Galleons
  • 1/200 chance to: When spitting out chunks of boats spit out a golden chest or rare item
  • Upon Charybdis’ Defeat all participants get the “Charybdis’ Slayer” Title/Badge

Scylla would be a fun boss to fight for similar reasons to Charybdis It’s simply fighting an intense but fun battle with a giant monster that’s powerful. This is a boss I haven’t made a model for yet, but plan to in the near future.

Scylla’s attacks would be:
If on the water near her cliff
  • Using Wind magic to try to blow you into the air,
  • Making a tornado dealing damage to the player and your ship,
If in her cliff cave
  • Smashing you with one of her seven Hands/Heads,
  • Using wind magic to blow you against a cliff,
  • Throwing the remains of a poor sailor who became victim to Scylla
  • Grabbing at the player and trying to eat you,
  • Grabbing the player swinging you around and smashing you on nearby cliffs,
  • 15 chests would spawn in her cave,
  • 32,000 Galleons
  • There is a 1/50 chance to get a rare drop upon her death
  • All participants in the battle get the “Scylla’s Slayer” Title/Badge upon her death

I think Typhon would be an interesting boss fight, partially for the complexity and difficult to go through to beat this monster, and as a “Fake Final Side Boss” character, and the reason I say a “Fake Final Side Boss” is because “Chaos-touched/corrupted” version of these monster would be a lot more difficult to fight.
I honestly don’t know what to put for his attacks because he is kind of a mix of many monsters, and if he is the “Father of Monsters” then he could potentially spawn very weak versions of other Sea Monsters.

  • 200,000 Galleons maybe
  • Typhon’s rewards would be great and plentiful for his difficulty and you would get a title/badge for "Typhon’s Slayer:

Tartarus would be second if not most fun battle because what I am imagining the boss to look like is a very large humanoid that uses dark versions of many magic elements. perhaps surrounded by Demons. Tartarus would also have a constant lightning storm above him. He is tied with the Corrupt monsters for favorite boss in my book. :heart:

  • A magic blast of dark energy,
  • A magic blast of a corrupted some corrupted element,
  • A large Explosion of fire lighting everything within a very large radius on fire,
  • and I could come up with a whole lot of other attacks for Tartarus to use.
  • A dark fire sword (though I’d prefer a partisan(basically a spear that can deal slash damage))
  • 80,000+ Galleons
  • the title “Victor Over/Of Tartarus” and possibly a badge to go along with that.

This would be the fun side battle for lower levels in my opinion. This fight will need a torch for any magics that don’t produce immense heat.

  • Poisoned claw attacks
  • Fire breath
  • Pounce
  • 20,000 Galleons
  • 20 Chests

This is Polyphemus but you are strong enough to fight without needing to blind him.

  • He attacks with his large club most of the time
  • He can throw large rocks at you which deal a lot of damage to terrain
  • If your close to him he will pick you up and try to eat you, this will kill you if it succeeds, possibly there could be a minigame where you have to spam a button, or click at the right time to escape.
  • Golden wool which sells for a lot, or could be used in a storyline quest or side quest.
  • 40,000 Galleons
  • “Slayer of Poly(or Polyphemus)” title/badge
  • 8 Chests spawn on his death
Chaos-Touched Hydra

This would be the Corrupted version of a Hydra and would need a magic torch to defeat. The Chaos-Touched Hydra would be more difficult then a normal Hydra and would breath a purple corrupted fire, This should be your first corrupted boss. :heart:
The Chaos-Touched Hydra would basically be a recolored Hydra but it would have vent-like openings on it’s chest that would glow purple (tried to upload a picture but it was to big XD)

  • Instead of normal chests it would be Black Magic Chests that drop corrupted equipment (I’m an Edge lord and I think this equipment should be shades of Black, Purple, and Maroon, and should add large amounts of Insanity)
  • 2x the Galleon reward
  • you get the badge “Stopping the Corruption”
Kraken become monster maybe?

I might be able to make a very basic Kraken model but Roblox studio isn’t giving me full control over my models. I would have Charybdis complete my now if MeshParts could union and become negative. I can’t make an inverse Torus because of that problem, I’m going to be forced to go to Blender and see if I can Import a SpecialMesh.


Crews Suggestion

This suggestion would be fun in my opinion, but isn’t the main part of this suggestion. This, I believe, would be a bit harder to implement
The reason I got the idea for adding nonhuman NPCs is because I thought there are some very tough bosses in my list above and it would make sea battle a lot more fun if you had a large crew to man your boat, but there aren’t enough players to have a good sized crew so I thought you could use the Team System with NPCs. The way you would get these crewmembers are by paying them Galleons, doing favors, and through storyline quests! The way you would control these crews would be by selecting targets (for Cannoncrew, Archers, Fire Archers, and Boarders), or having them act like sails (basically, you make an animation for all the Rower-like jobs and they would only do it when you press W or click toggle sails). With this in mind I made some ideas on boosts certain species would have on your crew.

Stats and what they affect

Aim is used in Jobs like Cannoncrew, Archers, and Fire Archers. Aim improves the chance for your ammunition to hit.
Strength Is used in jobs like Cannoncrew, Archers, Fire Archers, and Boarders. Strength is used to improve the damage your units do.
Endurance Is used in all jobs but most important for Boarders. Endurance is the amount of health your crewmembers have.
Swimming Is used in the job Boarders. Swimming is what allows your units to swim, can only be True or False.
Speed Is used in all jobs. Speed affects how fast your crew does it’s jobs.
Musical Talent Is used in Bards. Affects how well your Bards play/sing

Jobs and what they do.

Cannoncrew The cannoncrew load, aim and fire the cannons/mortars they are assigned to. Important stats for cannoncrew are: Aiming, Strength, and Speed.
Fire Archers The Fire Archers use fire arrows to deal damage to target ships. Important stats for Fire Archers are Aiming, Strength, and Speed.
Archers The Archers use arrows and muskets to kill target ships’ crew. Important stats are Aiming, Strength, and Speed.
Rowers The Rowers job is to row your boat. Inportant stats are Strength and Speed.
Boarders The Boarders Job is to Board a target ship and take control, research, or pirate that ship. Most important stats are Strength, Endurance, Swimming, and speed.
Bards The Bards job is to keep your crew from low moral, or drown out the Siren’s singing. Most important skill is Musical Talent. (To make your bards play you could have a button somewhere to toggle it. They don’t actually need to play any music.

Morality System

All moral does is affect your crew’s speed, and payment, and if low can cause a mutiny.

Good Reputation NPCs

Merfolk are a water-bound species that can be used in your crew. Merfolk are very commonly found across the seas, but rare to see on land, there are a fairly common sailor.

Rarity: Common


Aim: Moderate
Strength: Moderate
Endurance: Moderate
Swimming: True
Speed: Low on land Very High in water.
Musical Talent: Bad


Satyrs are a Half-human, Half-goat species that joins High Reputation crews. Satyrs are uncommon to be found across the seas and rare to get as a crew member.

Rarity: Rare


Aim: Moderate
Strength: High
Endurance: Moderate
Swimming: False
Speed: High
Musical Talent: Good


Nymphs are humanoid Tree Spirits that can join crews. Nymphs are rare to get as a crew member but commonly found across the seas.
Rarity: Very Rare


Aim: Good
Strength: Good
Endurance: Moderate
Swimming: False
Speed: Slow
Musical Talent: Good


Centaurs are half-horse half-human and very rare during AO because they require large amounts of land to gallop across.
Rarity: Very Rare


Aim: Good
Strength: Good
Endurance: Good
Swimming: False
Speed: Fast
Musical Talent: Moderate

Bad Reputation NPCs

The Minotaur are very hard to find but have been showing up more often as the years pass by. Minotaur are often willing to join ship crews for cheap because they are hated in many places.

Rarity: Very common


Aim: Low
Strength: Very High
Endurance: Very High
Swimming: No
Speed: High
Musical Talent: Very bad


Siren are evil creatures they sing enchantingly to lure you towards them, and when you arrive they show their true faces and eat their victims. It’s very hard to make a Siren join your crew but when they do they are there to stay.
Rarity: Extremely Rare


Aim: Bad
Strength: Very good
Endurance: Good
Swimming: True
Speed: Very Fast
Musical Talent: Enchanting


Harpies are monsters. Harpies are hard to make join your crew, they often stay for awhile too. Harpies have a high upkeep because they work for massive amounts of meat.

Rarity: Rare


Aim: Good
Strength: Good
Endurance: Good
Swimming: Not needed
Speed: Fast
Musical Talent: Terrible


When Gorgons join you they are there to stay, but are extremely difficult to work with due to turning people to stone.

Rarity: Extremely Rare


Aim: Bad
Strength: Not needed
Endurance: Good
Swimming: True
Speed: Slow
Musical Talent: Terrible


I think Demons would be fun monsters to fight for High Reputation people though they technically aren’t bosses. Demons can join Bad reputation crews and would be more common the later in the game you go. (Note that the second Demon picture is from Warhammer, these pictures are just guides)

Rarity: Very Common for Demon or worse reputations. Unaccessable for Hero+ Reputations.


Aim: Good
Strength: Good
Endurance: Good
Swimming: Good
Speed: Good
Musical Talent: Bad

'Chaos-touched/corrupted' beings

Rarity: Very Rare


Stats vary due to the fact that these aren’t a specified species. Often Chaos-Touched Beings are very good at the things they are good at, but terrible at the things they are bad at.

Why would this help and improve gameplay?

A couple reasons why I think that Nonhuman characters would improve the game are, a lot of people have been asking for Nonhuman bosses because it would add a bit more variety to the things you fight, and allows for more unique fight experiences, I agree with this it would be loads of fun trying to fight some of these bosses. Another thing that people like about having nonhuman creatures is you can admire the creator’s skills in creating the models. I know that it’s been said that Vetex isn’t good at monsters which is why I have said multiple times I’m willing to help create monster models, I’m sure that Vetex and myself should be able to create acceptable monster models. I hope that you guys at least think about this suggestion.

Any questions that you guys have in the comments I will try to address below using edits.

Kratos should be dead because Kratos and his sibling protected Zeus who is now dead.

This is approximately the size comparison, and Titans are a vital piece of greek lore. The titans were sworn enemies of the Gods, Vastus are not. I would also customize the titans to what they were the titans of. (i.e. a titan of the eastern wind would be mostly humanoid but would have things to separate him from a giant human, like parts of the eastern wind flowing away from certain areas on that titan.) Had to recolor the Titan and human so you could see them.

Where are the elves?

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I was focusing mainly on Greek Creatures, and I don’t think Elves are in greek mythology. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Any combat game needs a good amount of unique interesting enemies to fight. Having just humanoid would devalue the experience since they would all fight very similarly. Theres also the point of world building which adds so much to the area


I’m also thinking of adding some titans, but I’ll need to do some research to make those models. I’m open to other ideas.

Vetex seems to be against nonhuman creatures.

That’s speciest.

Move set wise

You could use my suggestions for Ideas for boss movesets and drops. I will happily help you develop boss move sets as well if you want

Here is a list of several of my suggestions

Iapetus: Land Boss: Iapetus Titan of the Western Sky

Hyperion: Land Boss: Hyperion Titan of the Eastern Sky

Scylla: Sea Boss: Scylla

Charbydis: Sea Boss: Charybdis

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If vetex is willing to completely redo the lot of the game from scratch and spend 3+ months redesigning a sea-based world, he can also learn how to make non-humanoid creatures and toss that especially dumb part of the lore that makes them all mysteriously vanish when they could add so much to the game.
(or hire people who know how to model/rig them)

only giant animated non-humanoid creatures with tons of special shit would take ages to make
even exiled and minotaur took him a fair while
keep in mind hes still only a single dev and doesn’t want to really seem to change that

according to the lore, it makes sense why almost all the mythical stuff is dead already anyways

the world isn’t supposed to be overly-mythical at this point anyways
although I’m fine if vetex tries to make a few mythical things

Well, that’s why I’m offering to help with models since you can’t find models on many of the mythical creatures. I’m trying to figure out what the main boss is since the boss will likely have nothing to do with the gods. Another Durza is impossible (because Hades dies, and many curses get destroyed), Hades or some other god can’t be it because all the gods are dead or very soon will be, The most likely chances are Chaos or a Titan.

hades is still alive at this point in the lore,
and on this side of the world

I believe The War Seas are around Magius where Hades has an Island hidden but I could be off.

War seas are on the opposite side of the world, Magius is in the 4th, 5th sea

I thought that there was also a mainland-like area opposite to the seven seas, where John Thorne came from.

john thorne came from the keihatsu culture

meaning either, keihatsu is another isolated area entirely, or keihatsu is part of the war seas

Oh, so then I had some lore off thanks for telling me! Also I believe that the Keihatsu culture is from the 4th or 5th sea I might be wrong though.

no it ain’t, its from the other side of the world than seven seas I’m more than sure