So, I watch the Arcane Odyssey Trello like a hawk. When a Trello board has gone through unseen changes, it shows a small white circle on the board to indicate so. I’ve noticed that throughout today, the Arcane Odyssey Trello board has been going through changes but nothing was being added to the Recent patch notes. I went through the features list and found these very small but mildly interesting changes.
The “Sensing” concept has been changed. Originally it stated that, at Magic 100, you could press C while charging your magic energy to sense power levels. Now, it states that this sensing function is unlocked at a low level and works differently for each build. Good news to the warriors and warlords, sensing is no longer a magic exclusive concept.
I also saw this small note added at the end of the Awakening card, which wasn’t there before today. These additional particle effects sound really cool, I’m excited to see them in-game.
Lastly, Vetex updated the to-do-list. He added some new stuff, along with two other things that weren’t shown in the screenshot below, namely the “Sensing” concept from earlier and “Clan fixes and revamps”, whatever that might be.
If he adds more small changes to the board like this, I could dig them up and send in the replies to save you guys some time searching. Have a good night.
I know, it’s so sad, they got pushed back so far! I didn’t even think Vetex needed to do a 3rd set of weapon skills for AO’s initial release. I’m going Warlock so it’s upsetting that I have to wait longer to see what fighting styles are like, since I’m going to be using them.
really wonder what this is about, are we about to go to a deeper level sea or higher level? (in altitude not actual player lvls) we about to pull some going into wyoming from nebraska thing?
Trello updated again even though Roblox is down. I struggled to find anything different, I panickedly looked through the whole ideas list only to find nothing. In desperation, I looked at the “Credits” card, which I believe to be the only one that changed… To my horror, I saw that “Built Limestone Key.” had been added to heddgy’s contributions? My face curled up and digested itself in pure fear. I accidentally broke my legs and was hospitalized several times…!
lol I just noticed something. I don’t check the magics card frequently but at some point they finally replaced “imbalance” with something else for equinox
There’s a google extension called Trello Card History that allows you to see what changes have been made and the previous versions of any card in any Trello board. Makes it easier to see what’s changed as well so you don’t have to scan every single page looking for a sentence that you might think is different.
Hex Marks are gone. Now it states that ancient magic scrolls teach you how to control the powerful magics, instead of the scrolls teaching you how to imbue that specific magic’s Hex Mark onto yourself.
All evidence of saturation is gone, reduced to atoms. It only lives on as a faint memory for those that witnessed its existence. Rest in Peace saturation.