Ok scenario time

5’ 8" I think?

yea. And? I need to be 13 to use this website so I am proper age.

then i’d stand a chance against you >:)

pretty sure everyone in this chat would get obliterated by ThatOneGuy, though

mmmmmmmmm. If you can find me


the point of the hunger games is to survive, so in reality i dont WANT to find you, risking the chance of death

Not before i magma placed explode on you

mmmm I gonna go collect killer wasps

good luck

I would choose slash magic, it would allow me to quickly get supplies and carve out weapons, materials, etc. also due to the glow it provides, itll allow me to see during dark times. And finally due to its wind like properties, it would allow me to fend off a lot of flame magic users as well as earth and metal users due to the cutting properties of the slash magic itself

and we can’t forget,

magma is a literal elemental advantage, kind of just fire but better in like… EVERY WAY…

ooh, thats actually smart
and its a decent alternative to making your own weapons, because slash is lethal regardless

just team up or something then duel at the end, hopefully you two have more mental fortitude than people in the hunger games

phoenix magic…


the very concept of phoenix magic makes it so OP that im wondering how they’ll nerf it


Next vetex game fr lol

fire is faster