Ok scenario time

that was kinda harsh man not cool

maybe im going crazy but the last time I tried earth it wasnt that big AOE

Ain’t you the one calling him pisswater

only at levle 70 was it really that big of an AOE

pisswater is definitely less insulting

It has the biggest aoe in the game bro

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you’re the one repeatedly saying weapons are literally useless

explain how literally anyone without magic could survive in the arcane universe then

yep, totally

but if were going by level 1 stats…
idek anymore

biggest aoe doesn’t equal huge aoe

they just hide behind strong magic users / curse users

wait do curses count since base magics can be curses

No this is hurting my brain

then what’s the point of even trying to live in such a bad life where literally anyone can come in and kill you, and the people that protect you can easily take EVERYTHING you own with nothing you can do?

atleast give us some more in depth info

can you at least explain the limitations on magic

bro, what?
i dont even know what-

basically pirates lol

I mean that’s why the grand navy exists

weapons would be good in the hands of robloxians but normal people they fall apart

and tell me what the grand navy uses primarily?

weapons, but they’re lego people who can super jump and do crazy anime attacks

don’t think you can really :confused:

okay I think weapons are hypothetically good against magic users but that only applies to legos

magicless people have ways of surviving on their own in the AA and AO universe.
its how humans are, we adapt(we are supposed to adapt, at least)
whats stopping some guy from walking up to a fire mage and shooting them in the gut? or using actual good swordsman ship to slice their head off?

of course, curse users would be impossible to beat with no magic, atleast not for a simpleton.