Ok scenario time

okay but remember in this scenario we are humans not drugged out lego people we could never do that even if we trained for hypothetical months

Yeah i know, was just pointing that out

I was gonna point out that freedrock could kick your ass into next week by flicking you but I forgor about Lazarus curse

All things considered, Iā€™d most definitely choose magma. Great destructive & offensive power, good defense as well since it beats most magics in clashes and most people wouldnā€™t try to get close to someone surrounded by magma, and actually has a decent amount of utility as well.

Idk much about the hunger games, read the first book over 7 years ago. But if we just drop into a random location, I hope I start in the freezing biome since magma is a great magic to have in that area. I can melt the snow for water, keep myself heated, as well as boil water for cooking. I can also use cold water/snow to cool the magma into obsidian glass, and maybe manage to make some crude weapons or other tools (obsidian is very, very sharp).

Idk what else, I donā€™t necessarily expect to live long cause i donā€™t like overestimating myself but i do think I have a decent chance against majority of forumers. Iā€™ll probably die of starvation or some other survival-related issue rather than being killed.

maybe promethean fire? the status effect seems powerful

486 replies in 1 day what the hell happened hereā€¦

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I will simply use my superior good looks to get more sponsers than anyone else

donā€™t fucking ask (or read above)

I love wordplay

leave immediately and hide until we can use magic



day 1 is no magic though?

this cool thing called booking it immediately

itā€™s not THAT fast nor is it that big

why do people keep saying WoM magic is some hyperfast house sized blasts at fucking level 1

you DO realize I donā€™t even need to outrun it, just move to the fucking side?

if I call him a furry, he stop fighting to rage about it, during which I can either counter with my own magic if itā€™s so broken, or use the perfectly viable and effective weaponry that takes like 3 hours to make

we are not superhumans

and just because I use a fucking weapon doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not a mage in this scenario?

theos isnā€™t being teleported into here, WE ARE

we donā€™t get superhuman strength (which if we did would make weapons even better)

and if magic is so stupidly overpowered of course Iā€™d use it as well, but you fuckers seem to act like weaponry is some shitty twig thatā€™s a waste of resources thanks to fucking stupid magic