Ok scenario time

Another rule that ruins the fun :wilted_flower:

if you give the nerd time to think, the nerd would find a way

for example, everyone has to sleep at some point, if someone really wants you dead, they’ll trail you till you got sleep, and kill you while your snoring.

its not even a martial art to walk up to someone asleep and slice their throat

ah yes give the nerd time to think

issue: this is a combat situation we don’t got time to ponder lifes great questions

then don’t sleep ez

same thing can happen to u

You not gonna win against a magic user using your normal ass dagger

you do know that in the hunger games people dont actively kill each other on the first day, right?
people would run away, be traumatized, get back together, and then figure out a way to survive.

exactly, its a simple way to defend or offend

i can kill a normal human with magic with a dagger if i had the chance
if there is no chance, then I guess I cant.
everyone has to sleep.

and also, ill get to have a magic too, so theres that
*the original argument is weapons arent useless, sandal here says they are

(he has no idea)

i do
ive read and watched the movies, only carreers would kill for no reason
its literally fight or flight, most people choose flight unless you are trying to kill them

the first day is the day everyone is most vulnerable

especially the first night
 :smiley: :hocho:

weapons, could be useful day 1 since no magic but beyond that

:fire_magic: let the arson spree begin

maybe so, but im saying weapons arent useless and some will be able to defend themselves on the first.

just gonna use weapons day 1 and the day I get magic everyone is on the menu


If you can find me.

you come to me I don’t come to you

only if u make me mad

Everyone else gets magic too
And I picked magma which is better fire

fine acid then

You can get pretty strong without magic in the AU. Romulus can yeet giant cannonballs that can weight up to 1000 pounds