Ok so what really is the meta now?

stat req are 160 for the first skill and 190 for the second

I would say crystal leg warlock, since it now has access to a fixed shatter and completely dominates in close range, more than warrior.

Warlock > Berserker/Warlord > Mage > Conjurer > Warrior > Anything Else
1v1 list

Vindicator+Triastra demons can not 1v1 people who have a G key sorry
better for ganks


How did I do this then?

Because the guy you’re fighting is terrible bro sorry
who is he hitting with that smash

If you scroll down in that thread people said my aim was good

I can’t really agree with that quite yet because it’s only been one real fight with the build

You were also in endlag and this guy used his shot off to the side
what is this bro waffling about

He’s fighting his ancestral spirits

Basically I need a better opponent to try against then

theres a reason why Sailor and Thermo fist is nerfed while mage is untouched next patch

Warlocks cannot kill any competent mages.
You can’t hit smash on the ground since they are always in the air. Can’t zone since mages do it better. Can’t go close range because crash just zips by. Can’t hit rushdown unless ur name is KeeperOfOath

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Ur not even playing mage correctly. The dude ur fighting sucks and doesn’t even know how to play his own class. You don’t know how to play ur own class.

Bro. This is how you play mage.

Blast beam blast beam blast beam blast beam.

Just spam blast and beam until u win. Mage is stupidly broken.
My warlock ass can never even hope to beat blast beam gaming, especially if it’s a shadow mage with drill shape at 80% size followed by double beam

clearly you haven’t been fighting any competent warlocks

Warriors when their opponent can press g

(Dash Dash Triasta dash Vindicator Dash Dash Triasta Dash Mirrored River Dash Vindicator Dash Mirrored River Healthpack)

This can be avoided if you just press g

why are people overrating the vindicator so much? ive used it against people who are pretty decent and they could easily parry crushing judgement and then punish because of the absolutely horrendous endlag it puts you in

made me realize that there is a genuine skill issue in the forums lol. mostly people who have never played with it, or arent experienced enough in pvp to dash away or block it think its meta.

hes a 968 berserker he cannot be good


I’m gonna need a better opponent next

Right now,
Warrior and Warlord are the two best classes in the game
Mage is up there but warrior and warlord currently has the better mobility and damage.
Every other class stayed pretty much the same.
Savant got a bit stronger thanks to weapon and fs buffs but not enough to where it’s as viable.
Also juggernaut and Knight are more viable now so that’s… neat I guess.

would include warlock, which is stronger than warrior, but about the same if not a lil weaker than warlord.