Ok so what really is the meta now?

I didn’t include warlock because it was already op before. This update only made it stronger.
Warrior and Warlord got the biggest buff however.

Most of warlocks abilities were already doing hundreds of damage a piece.

However most of magic didn’t get a buff much rather a nerf. So all warlock mostly got was a buff on the fs side of things.

Which is good but warrior and warlord got the best buffs due to the weapon buffs.

Warlord id say arguably got buffed the most this update. The fs and weapon buffs combined made this already good build even better.

I literally have a friend who stopped using iron leg warlord because it was too braindead.
That’s how much they got buffed.

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Agree completely, however you put warrior and warlord in the same class as the best in the game when warlock def clears at least warrior, so even if it hasn’t had much change its worth mentioning in that context.

My opinion is

  1. Warlord

  2. Warlock

  3. Warrior

These 3 builds are pretty meta

LMFAO IKR :skull:

Just choose the build you like

I stuck to my roots. Warlord is very fun and skillful. Striking Gale has a funky hit box and isn’t as easy to land as it looks

striking gales only weakpoint is that the actual projectile itself is small as hell
but the massive aoe of the explosion makes up for it :skull:
aiming at the ground solves most issues even if youre not running size

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not if your using iron leg

I use sailor because iron leg shot is shit

i see

I’m gonna use greatsword instead of halberd and see how I play

Doesn’t sailor have a bigger aoe

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