OK, what curse does this General Akeem guy have?

yknow, I always assumed the two to work slightly differently.

telekinesis allows you to probably move like, specific objects in far more precise directions whereas gravity just controls a fundamental force rather than specifically levitating something.

also, wouldn’t controlling gravity theoretically let you make black holes? :thinking:

telekinesis is more direct, but gravity can accomplish the same feats, and yea you could make blackholes if you were strong enough with it

I interpreted gravity as altering the gravity of or how gravity affects a certain object (presumably of choice)

Perhaps…… hmmmmmm ………

Unrelated question do black holes have eyes by any chance? (/j)

well, they do have have an accretion disk, which kinda makes the event horizon look like an eyeball… :open_mouth:

they have a singularity at their core, which is just a single point with infinite density, bit of a stretch to call it an eye though

Fuck it, I was gonna say it’s the storm curse with a dark sea storm color, but I’m going all in on it being the insanity curse now

okay autistic racist kid

okay autistic racist kid

Akeem is described to be in an eye himself, this is obviously alluding to you guessed it: the iris. Not only that but look at his eye color, purple. Purple is red + blue, Iris is red and her bracelet (the vermillion bracelet) kind of looks like the beta bracelet which is blue. He is also called the eye of sameria, Iris is currently in sameria. Akeem has the iris curse
conclusion? idk

peacekeeper will eventually get the absorption curse and if this guy doesn’t die then it’ll be a plot hole or whatever

I don’t think PK is going to be killing curse users that are genuinely good people, like Averill for example.

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Yeah I’m pretty sure PK was mostly just destroying unclaimed curses, and if someone happened to be causing problems using a curse, theirs would become the next target.

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he could just die in the war

my theory is that he uses the healing curse but it has been in the farthest reaches of the dark sea ever since it was created by Prometheus and has been corrupted by the dark sea becoming the insanity curse which has lost its ability to heal only causing insanity on those its used on. it makes sense because akeem is the eye of sameria and insanity is often represented by an eye and there is no insanity magic so this would be a more likely cause for general akeem using the insanity curse or there being an insanity curse existing. the healing curse might only be able to heal others so thats why it was able to be corrupted

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I am near certain it’s related to insanity now.

Insanity - Strong ties to dark sea (a never-ending storm) and imagery is eyes (symbol is an eye and chaos which causes insanity is described as a fuck-ton of eyes).

Due to him having the curse he’s probably immune to insanity’s effects, so he’s technically in the “Eye of the Storm” because he’s drives those around him insane while being unaffected. By association with Sameria “Eye of Sameria” and is probably able to tap into someones mental state to “watch” them in a sense. Curse itself have any real relation to Sameria, so it makes sense.


get what you mean here, but the Dark Sea started existing hundreds of years after he died.

I have no words for this. This makes, such little sense that I dont even no where to BEGIN trying to disprove this. Like curses is literally the PUREST form of magic energy, so much so they REJECT outside kinds of magic energy.

The Dark Sea corrupts by inserting a fuck-ton of magic into something over a long period of time, the Healing Curse would be completely unaffected because it’d just reject the magic energy trying to pierce into it.

Besides, out of all curses, if anything it’s the MOST resistant to the effects of pollution outside of Absorption, but thats an experimental. Healing would literally counteract the effects of insanity since it could probably heal the mind.

Valid I have nothing else for this.

Or it could be a fucking EXPERIMENTAL CURSE.

See my other point for why it cant be corrupted. But also, what would stop you from healing yourself, like you’re just converting magic energy into magic energy in other parts of yourself. Besides, you can still like, fucking kill other people with other elemental curses???

From my knowledge insanity didn’t exist until the dark sea so it’s unlikely an insanity experimental curse would have been created. But yeah you made some good points. Also magic was first created as a gift to humans from Prometheus and most of the know magics can have positive ways they can be used so it’s unlikely the gods would create a experimental curse that can only be used negatively and offensively

are implying the concept of insanity did not exist until after a large explosion

Ancient times so mental health wasn’t a talked about or know thing

it still fucking existed though, and the gods regularly made people go mad, your point being?