Okay Bro, Real Talk About the Forums

Why the actual FUCK are you guys so fucking horny oh my god

I swear, open up any art post with a female in it or as the main subject at least, and it’s just horniness in the replies (MAKING THIS EDIT TO MAKE IT CLEAR TO THE ARTISTS I’M SORRY :sob: )
Why? What made you lack self control?
Can’t you just think with half a fucking brain and control yourselves???


Most of the forums are made of teanagers you know what that means right?


Teenagers on the internet

Disappointing but not surprising

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wait people are genuinely like that here?

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i thought most of those were jokes

3 minutes ago? hmm…i wonder what he’s seen that made him come to this conclusio-

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Not just that.
Previous posts, too. Keep looking through it, you’ll find it.

A particularly infamous one was the Caitlin Crown post by motormikester

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ok well i mean just look at the pose tho

if a guy did that he’d get called zesty 100%

I don’t even know if they’re ironic or not, but they don’t seem to be ironic anymore. @sock you should read this too.

Similar to what @anon52408498 , and @Divanochi said. But that says a lot, 'cause even if they’re like 13-15 I had self control when I was around those ages - and I was actively using the forums when I was 15!

These fuckers are so pathetic, I swear…

this be why the art category should be deleted

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simply remove all female characters from AO and make female art illegal.
surely nobody will be angry!!!

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the comments are down horrendous i swear, like 5 or more people wanted to smash her bruh :sob:

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it’s a wonder what drawing a tall woman with somewhat exaggerated proportions does to the forums

thought the reaction would be opposite because the forums hate the navy but oh well…

I know.
That one alongside both the Carina one + a few others but I mainly remember Kam_i’s post of their warlord slot that just kinda irked me to this point of calling the forums out directly.

do you really think affiliation with an annoying organization would stop forumers from drowning in a sudden torrent of a certain substance

yep… gotta lower my expectations much lower now

Down badness aside it’s still some pretty good and high quality art


Oh, I’m complaining about the people in the replies.

The artists are amazing, I love them.
The mfs in the replies… Kinda people I’d wanna wring the necks of to get them to learn self-control.

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