Okay Bro, Real Talk About the Forums

I wonder what goes through the mind of those people when they see a FEMALE character with some proportions.

tbf yeah most of it is satirical

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Unhingedness that they were never told to contain.
Seriously, smth is wrong in the lives of these mfs if they lack this self control to be out there saying this crazy horny shit publicly. Just keep it private, damn.

And @ThatAsianInTheCorner, give me proof that they’re being satirical.

self control is surprisingly rare.

it’s like how there is a shocking amount of people that just casually dox themselves unintentionally to the point I could get most of their personal information just through digging through their history

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Well I guess this explains why cybersecurity careers are always in need of more people. Too many mfs are too dumb to think their actions through 90% of the time :skull:

Quite the shame.
I don’t wanna be one of the few, I wish more people could be self-aware and wise about their lives :sob:

It’s even more annoying when the art isn’t even provocative, yet people still have to say something inappropriate. Or when people make inappropriate comments not even related to the topic?? It’s so annoying. I never acted like that as a teenager and sometimes I wonder if I’m too old for this site :sob:. Because I honestly just don’t find those kinds of comments funny or endearing.

imagine romanticizing virtual legos

Right? Imagine doing that.

I’m just teasing you btw :see_no_evil:.

ok but edward is different

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Me too. I get that.
It’s like whatever the fuck happened to the people born after like 2006 became almost entirely degens or something

It’s depressing, honestly. Thinking they’re almost entirely acting like this. Makes me wonder what the fuck has gone wrong in so many people’s lives.

I could tell you exactly what happened but I have no idea if you’d take me seriously :sweat_smile:. But you’re absolutely right. I think the exposure to the Internet at such a young age was a contributing factor. I grew up in the rise of the Internet era but I was never exposed to it the way kids are now, and there is a clear, definitive difference between the way I acted as a ten year old and the way my cousins act as a ten year old. Not to mention so many parents use it as a crutch to raise their kids, so then those children grow up to be “iPad kids.”


ah yes. the internet, a place where you can act how you want according to a set rule system, but still alot more freedoms.

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last time i check, the average age of this forum is 16 ( probably has become lower now tbh )

just saying :person_shrugging:


thing called ready access to “certain” websites like reddit

internet should fr be AT LEAST 13+ like man nowadays you can find 8 year olds using electronics

no! :frowning:

They’re still shitstain disgraces.
Should’ve learned that nobody wants to hear your sexual desires.

Just keep that shit to yourself. It’s better that way.

@WarmWater Damn right. Just like what @AMoonlightSonata said.

just in case you dont know

someone was ( and maybe, maybe still is ) developing a dating visual novel about AO

Such is the natural cycle of teenagers.