One Pirate Faction per sea?

I’ve been thinking about the Corsairs, and how they’re a group of specifically six feared pirate groups.

Is it set up in such a way where there will be one pirate faction per sea?

For one, we have the Drachmae Pirates, chances are that they’re based in the Nimbus Sea, because the Assassins called on them to stop navigation between the seas. The Forest of Masts seems to also be more than a temporary base, seeing as they put up flags and have a decommissioned ship that they carry out operations from, store their money in, keep their prisoners in, and have a barracks in. The Forst of Masts is most likely the Drachmae Pirates’ base of operations.

Next, we have the Jaw Pirates. They’re already speculated to be one of the Corsair pirate factions, especially considering that they’re planned to have future significance. According to NPCs at Redwake and Sailor’s Lodge, they’ve been gaining power and influence in the Bronze Sea recently.
The Jaw Pirates being another Corsair faction also has some patterns being set up. For one, we have one pirate faction per sea. Jaw Pirates for Bronze, and Drachmae for Nimbus. There are six Corsairs, and six seas. And we have the Pirates being the first enemies fought in both seas. Both of the first hostile enemies in the sea’s story are pirate factions.


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yeah, pretty reasonable

Pretty sad that currently our only interaction with the infamous Jaw Pirates is clearing out some lvl 1 noobs lol

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Interesting theory, and one I hadn’t thought of before. Nice work!

doubt it, i think vetex just likes the number 6

i feel like the jaw pirate leader will be a baron cause hes in the bronze sea, he’ll be a side quest guy, and he’s not from ravenna

He can be both.

Maybe they have outposts and stuff, but I doubt they’re one per sea

  1. The Corsair country is in the 6th sea and the corsairs rule them, but it’s not really ruled by 6 corsairs if there is just one there and the rest are across other seas.
  2. Corsair country is at war with grand navy, so I don’t think one corsair would suffice.
    So yeah, I think they got more important stuff, like managing a war.

Well, the pirate factions can be scattered to do multiple things, and the Corsairs themselves can be in the sixth sea.

i wish there were more pirate crews in the story

itd help sell the idea of the war seas, realistically in a sea with constant warring kingdoms pirates would want to steal from kingdoms that are currently weakened but we dont really see that

closest thing we get to that is the jaw pirates which are somehow not getting one trapped by the redwake warriors despite the fact theyre level 2 fodder and redwake warriors kill sharks

i honestly forgot what happens during the forest of masts part i think they attacked sameria ships but the gameplay was so boring i stopped paying attention

Yeah, but only a small amount then
If you’re in the middle of a war you can’t send your whole fleet to do groceries into the far north of northernmost sea

Well there was like, 10 of them

They were out at sea hunting, they didn’t have the same protection at redwake

Yea but in a war you don’t have time for a 3-day trip to northernmost settlement in the war seas
Jorund would’ve probably chewed their heads off

i think the pirate faction for every sea should be renamed to “The Promethean Pirates” and be led by a lvl 1,000,000,000,000,000 boss named “Imperfect Morock”, which will serve as Morock’s base form from which he can transform into his many different forms

jawless pirate when


Repeat it with me.
Morock never had the Promethean flame curse. Promethean flame curse does not exist. There is no Promethean flame. The five grand fire curses are Inferno, Aethereal flame and Scorch. There is no Promethean fire curse, nor did Morock ever have it.


So if you combine all 6 of them, what is it called now?
Rainbow Flame would be a sicker name, ngl.

the goons

They should totally have a rainbow jolly roger then, no way that can be misinterpreted!

skittle i have a challenge for you: do not glaze morock for one week

i can already see this setting up something similar to the end of shovel knight whereas you have to fight all of the bosses you fought before you fight the actual final boss. instead of this it’ll probably just be the 6 corsairs going one by one trading out with each other