A collaborative guide on how to get rare items and riches QUICKLY. If you would like to start learning how to monopolize the trade values instead of them controlling you then this is the guide for you.

Anyone may edit/contribute to this guide, but make sure to keep it short so it isn’t too much to read.


So for this tactic you’ll want

  • 3-4 warding
  • 600+ defense
  • 1.5x your level in agility

Here is the best armor i could find for this, from LameLee’s youtube channel

Gear Builder


This video covers the meta brig build.

Unlike the video suggests, if you are going to be using cannons and/or mortars please use iron carronades and howitzers respectively. Dragonfire carronades are a straightup downgrade from iron carronades, as can be seen here:

And archaic mortars are useless the moment they misfire. It is better to use a mortar that is more reliable such as coehorns or howitzers. Both of these also dont drain your ship speed as much.
But if youre going to grind dark sealed chests then your best bet is to use no mortar and cannons at all since ship speed is more important for this grind.

As for deckhands, the order is more like shipbuilder = navigator > cannoneer > merchant = enchanter >>>> chef
The only reason you wouldnt want to use a cannonneer is if your ship never uses cannons, in which case an enchanter or merchant is a better choice. Otherwise you should always have a cannoneer deckhand on board.

  • Its suggested that you load cargo onto your ship first along with giving frayed lead lines to your deckhands.
  • Visit insanity 1 if you are just a beginner, insanity 2 for consistency and not losing chests, or 3 for risk but more chests

  • While sailing, we will not stop at any islands except siren and and abandoned ships, unless you are looking for a gilded cauldrun

  • Upon finding a siren island, pop an invis potion if you have one and loot all the chests.

  • Or just run into it and plunder all the chests before they can do anything serious

  • Any time you hear the Atlantean ship theme, just bounce and sail far away from where it located you. Keep your in-game music and general volume high

  • After the dark sea run, head to the normal sea and then visit the sea border to put chests in storage. Repeat the plan until you have a desirable amount of chests.

phase 2 of the master plan
  • Since rare scrolls were removed from the loot pool of dark sealed chests, there’s now a 16% chance of exotic scrolls which is double than the 8% it was before.

  • Using Luck 4 (please dont) or even Luck 5 (please do) to open chests was already busted when there was an 8% base chance of exotic scrolls. With the base chance now being 16%, there is a 100% chance of getting an exotic scroll with a dark sealed chest. The reason why luck 4 isnt recommended is because luck 5 is 3x more effective while only being 2x more expensive. Thus, if you want to make proper use of your legendary scales, always make luck 5 auras (preferably gilded (golden cauldrons))

Farming Legendary Scales

When farming legendary scales let your legendary fish rot for 2 legendary scales instead of just
1 from cooking.

  • fish in insanity 1 with toughened fishmongers rod. fishmonger rod is from sameria, toughened is from fishing
  • Luck party servers request either legendary fish or 2 legendary scales usually. So putting your legendary fish in a fish tank is a good idea but letting them rot is fine 99% of the time too.
  • Or… instead of all this yap just lowball others for legendary scales
Luck Party Servers

(basically 1 hour luck V for cheap)
These are servers that charge 2-3 legendary scales in order to attend a Luck 5 fishing event.

Salt's Salty Sea

Luck Central

  • fish with luck 5 and redeem the riches of your dark sealed chests.
    • Chance of getting any sunken with one hour luck 5 is about 50+%

If you have your own Luck V potion:

Important Notes

  • DO NOT RUN DARK SEA IN BRONZE SEA. The boat fling bug happens randomly there, and while disabling your vanities makes it less common, it can still happen regardless.

Useful Tips

  • Use invisibility potions to make farming siren rocks easier.

  • Use swimming speed and waterbreathing jewels for faster underwater farming

  • Remember to get the new hull items from your ship. These can be obtained from nimbus sealed chests or dark sealed chests (not sure about the second one, waiting for someone to verify it)

  • Wearing armor that gives you 3d arms (e.g , iron, steel and titanium armor) in the vanity tab of your player can protect you from limb loss and replace it with armor break. This is extremely useful if you get struck by lightning a lot as a weapon user.

  • Due to the above, it is not advised to be a member of the G.N or A.S as a weapon user for the slot you wish to expedition with, as the uniforms for both do not protect from limb loss until the leaderboard ranks.

  • i4 is more efficient than i5, but do whatever you want about that one ig

  • Use shipbuilder ability when your ship is roughly 5% below the max health. If more than that, repair it with cargo (and use ship builder ability to buff cargo repairs if in a dire situation).

  • Hit G to brace approaching waves when sailing a ship

  • Rams can be activated on ghost ships to boost your speed

  • Sailing around circular or bumpy islands while a ship is chasing you can cause it to crash and eventually sink. Especially if it’s fast

last step: lock in


I added a tip not to run dark sea in bronze sea, since the boat fling happens frequently there and it can quickly ruin a run without much you can do about it. (has happened to me :sob:)

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Do I lose all my chests stored if I lose internet connection?

not unless you combat log

I think that any armor that has 3d sleeves can protect you from limb loss
I’m not sure, but centurion, titanium, iron, deluxe iron, Argos armor, Elius armor, Calvus armor, sunken iron, sunken warrior, all sets that have 3d sleeves should do that, not sure about 2d sleeves though

Murphy’s law says that the moment you enter combat, you will crash, so it comes down to yes

Even arcanium mage set works

guh what is that “meta” ship build :sob:
The hull, ram, crew and co captains (these last 2 are trivial) are the things i agree with. The sailcloth is debatable ig but the cannons, mortars and deckhands are simply wrong. Do not use dragonfire carronades, archaic mortars and this list of deckhand professions:

neither enchanter nor merchant is better than cannoneer. The only reason you would ever pick either of these over a cannoneer is if you legit never use your cannons and mortar. As for the cannons, dragonfire carronades are legit a downgrade of iron carronades and as for archaic mortars, why? The moment they misfire is the moment they become useless and if they do so early on then theyre completely useless. Not to mention that -5 speed drop. Coehorns or better yet howitzers are better alternatives

luck 4 is 2x cheaper but is 3x less effective, why would you make it?

only fishing

it doesnt hurt to do this but they accept leg scales all the same

Sorry if this sounded like a rant, it was not meant to be one. This guide is overall pretty good and definitely does help one become richer. Ill edit my concerns/arguments into the guide if you dont mind :pray:

Why toughened fishmonger rod for legendaries?

Does having armor in your stat slot protect you from losing a limb or does it have to be visible in vanity?

toughened fishmonger rod = high strength = high chance of catching massive fish in the i1+ ranges of the dark sea. Massive fish can be legendary and since there is no lucky rod, this set up gives you the best chances of catching legendary fish.

it just has to be part of your vanity

btw, unrelated to this response but i also edited a part of the guide saying that the chance of catching a sunken warrior piece within 1 hour of luck 5 is 50% (not true). I edited it to say this:

since if youre talking about sunken warrior pieces (including the sstaff) then the chance is about 25%

Thank you please edit it helps

i edited in my arguments so the guide should be even better now :pray:
you made a really nice guide btw

Why have I been fishing for legendaries in the normal seas, I’m stoopid

but won’t the 0.8 rarity lower the chance of legendary fish?

It has to be visible in vanity
I have titanium armor and leggings on my vanity, last year when I was hunting sharks and sea monsters with a musket since I had fire and magma, it saved me countless times from a White Eyes bite, also triggers every once in a while when I’m hit by lightning in the Dark sea

Nope because rarity affects the chances of you getting golden fish which could also be legendary but arent the type of fish youre fishing for. So your chances of getting massive legendary fish stay the same

so if its vanity does that mean you can just unequip and re-equip it to fix it once broken

I’ve noticed that siren rock spawns past i1 are much less common (even with max render and graphics), likely due to them spawning farther away, just like the islands.
(Insanity 0 has the closest spawns, but no siren rocks)
As a result of this, I am inclined to believe that farming in i1 is probably more effective, faster, and less risky.

You’re more likely to find 4 siren rocks in i1 than 3 in i2, and there is also decreased risk of Atlantean Ships/dying to sirens (?). So personally I’d stay in i1.

I won’t add any info on this to the post until I have concrete evidence/ other people’s experiences

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By the way, if you don’t want your drip to be horrendous, use titanium armor as Vetex forgot to give it chainmail which is -800 drip points.

Yes but do the math too, ins 1 gives 3 chests while ins 2 gives 4

You may have a point here, since ins 1 would give a slightly higher average in short run but in the long run insanity 2 is better. Depends on how much time you are willing to use