Open shop

If you have any other items you’re interested in just ask since I have more.

I have swift sunken offer?

You accepting boss drops for bad sunkens/seasonals?

Is this a shop or a trade post?

What’s the difference? I just call it a shop whether I’m trading items or selling them.

swift sunken sword? if so message me in dms.

I do not accept boss drops

A shop is permanent and a trade post is only open for 2 days

Ahh, thanks for the heads up. Well it’s a trade post then.

Aight np
Also if you wanna see a shop you could check out mine :wink: (definitely not advertising my shop)

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Between traders such as ourselves I can almost be certain we will never find a price that will make us both happy xD

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Very true. Unless either one of us desperately wanted an item

But as a courtesy plug your shop in dms I’ll check it out.

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In that case what could you offer me if I gave you a hard SS?

3 sunken armour pieces max

Which ones or do I choose ?

Depends, what pieces you want. Just reply with the pieces you are interested in receiving and I’ll see if its fair.

are you interested in some nimble sunken pants? i would love to have an ss(enchanted or not i don’t care) if you want other stuff just tell me(i also have a bursting sunken helmet)

2 sunken pieces are not enough for a ss