Open World PvP is a problem

Thread turned to circlejerk

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can confirm all of my circle jerked

Please stay on topic guys.

sorry king oorah

Another day another pvp complaining post

Yes free elysium servers should be a thing, no open world pvp should not be removed. A threat in the form of real life players is needed otherwise the game would feel too safe and controlled. This is not what AO’s world is about.

And you’re an actual clown if you think a player is evil for hunting you when you’re part of a mid-high infamy clan and dont have the ability to defend yourself. You’re an infamy-pack. Get better or get on a low rep clan.

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I still think a forfeit button would be the best solution.

he likes open world pvp just not the toxic players

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Vetex trying not to have a based opinion:

non magic builds when arcanium rods…

ya and that good, agil (the type that AO has) is just never a good idea, the only reason to have that type of agil is just for a cheap fix for a movement that sucks ass, if ur movement is decent or good then agil becomes an impossible to balance stat

i used to run an 200+ agil build for pvping and once i took it off, it wasnt bad, i got quickly used of the normal movement bc AO movement is good, the fact that gankers, lb and normal pvpers use agil a lot more than pvers, this is just a positive change for pvers

blame vetex, that feature just didnt work with how he wanted to do the empire update, this isnt a pvp thing, if only pve players or the majority were the ones making islands builds and defend their islands, the problem would be the same, u just cant avoid

ya, i wanna use the feature of bounty boards or pvping, so stop forcing me to run, idc that a part of the game, ur toxic for it, this is just a bad argument, u can run and its a feature of the game, u can fight back or run, calling someone toxic or bad for using a feature of the is just a bad argument, now what he does during or after the interaction is what determines if they are toxic or not, plus believe it or not getting high tiers of love pots isnt that hard, i have friends that rlly just play the game and have no problems getting love pots

adapt, u can just adapt, what my friends and other pvers did? adapt, i dont get why everything has to have an extremely complicated solution when u can take the easy route and adapt, one strat that my fishing addicted friend got was to go into the dark sea or close to it, or just rando islands that people usually don’t go

i literally have to server hop several times to even find someone that wants to 1v1, the majority of people literally left bc of lack of replayability, fishing is boring, fort castrum is somewhat tedious, dark sea is fun for so long and is the only replayability u can have

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I would say something about armor stats not fitting the lore to begin with, but seeing as this is Vetex, who knows?

im only 400 elo and I haven’t played chess in months noooooo

people really be complaining about random fight encounters in a place called “The War Seas”, but you’re right, only players are allowed to jump npc’s that happen to be chilling in their own islands, god forbid they get jumped themselves in this world that has fallen into chaos, what a terrible experience this is, I just want to engage in combat when its a safe and controlled environment!

Can you imagine getting hunted by a random player? You have to respawn and shit! Maybe even lose 200 galleons!!

The gameplay would be absolute shit if everything was lore-accurate and you know it.

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I’m falling for the bait, agh-

There is a core problem with the game’s PVP for someone like me or anyone who has hand issues. I have nerve damage, meaning I suffer with tremors, a lack of proper movement AND feeling. I often have to look at my keyboard when I am typing or doing anything in order to function correctly on my PC. Writing is near impossible (as in physical pencil and paper.)

I don’t think the game should be catered to my disability, but I feel like I offer a unique view on how my hands literally can’t keep up with the combat. I solved this mostly by my agility heavy build so I could run, and being a warrior so I didn’t have to fucking aim.

Now, agility is gone. And, with that, my major way of surviving? Gone too. I already struggle with most games, and some are kind enough to at least help. PVE fights already suck because I can’t feel my fingers to click correctly.

I’ve said a toggle would help for people, a delay system so the first hit and a few seconds don’t count so the person can at least have a fighting chance. PVP zones, even a level range so high level gankers can’t get level 50-60s. Personally? I’d like a sensitivity separator from roblox sensitivity to aiming with attacks. It would be a drastic help for my tremor.

But either way, the PVP is a pain. I can somehow endure Minecraft PVP because it’s just… brrrrr tremor go brrrr on the clicking, and other games can be fixed with some keybinds and some messing around with settings, but AO doesn’t give me settings to help myself. I kind of just… stop at level 60-65 as a result, because I know I’ve hit the point where I am VERY at risk, and I already struggle with the PVE, so why would I just choose pain?

Idk, it’s a thing.

Edit: For the record, I will play games like Dark Souls and combo heavy games despite my tremor because you aren’t forced to use the entire keyboard, which means, in my case, if I run controller, I’m not in pure pain

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You have to be joking :persevere::persevere:

2 great wars that nobody has heard of??

Did you just equate players in AO to literal NPC’S? This aint even on subhuman level, this is actually such a disgusting thing to say

Stop, these people are frankly not worth the effort or time of day.