Operation: Better wiki

sure, he keeps messaging me after he saw these topics and i messaged him

Bring discussion back ontopic


I say we vote on accepting training from rb1, he did start the wiki after all

  • We should accept help from rb1
  • We should deny help from rb1
  • Wait rb1 knows how to edit fandom, but not miraheze how’s he gonna help us anyway
0 voters

Ok so the moral of the story
If rb1 tires to communicate with you just don’t

Ty misinput for keeping this hell of a post clean


We’ll learn miraheze from people who have our best interests in mind and official sources.

I don’t agree with his patreon leaking. im just gonna start ignoring him because listening to him has just caused are topics to be derailed, and i want this to be taken seriously

Speaking of which

Google! Yay!

1 Like

To answer “How’s he gonna help us” if it’s a sincere question.

Please let’s just not give him the attention.

I think we should try it out, if he’s obviously trolling we can just cut ties if needed

I dont agree with his patreon leaking, end of question

As the leader I say we don’t accept anything from a guy who leaks paid patreon and an active troll who probably wants to see the project burned.


(Watch him create an alt that sneakily helps us anyway)

(Wait is that Cynthia)

think about it, he made the fandom wiki, why would he want to help an opposer


from this moment on we avoid and cease all contact with him.


yall said you wanted a patreon to help

what can i do

You are thinking of this as too much of a competition, sure he created fandom, but do you really think the dude so commited to spreading information about the game he leaks patreon and constantly makes alts would really wanna restrict access to unbiased info?

um could you ask vetex about anything to do with making a new wiki