Operation: Better wiki

Currently, the fandom wiki is utterly fucked. Filled to the brim with misinformation, disinformation, and speculation on content years away being focused on instead of actual useful information to new players. It feels like less of a resource about the game, and more of a novelty. Fortunately, there is a Miraheze wiki , but it is defunct and inactive

Here’s the plan, me and a group of other volunteers will revive it. Focusing EXCLUSIVELY on information out right now and content confirmed by vetex to be coming next update. No nonsense about ancient magics and housing.

More importantly, there will be a DEDICATED PART OF EACH PAGE TO SPECULATION. Instead of sprinkled throughout the main page like a landline, waiting to trick a new player.

The operation will be complete when the wiki is on the first page of search results for “arcane odyssey wiki”

I want to assist in making/reviving this wiki.
  • I want to revive the old Miraheze wiki, and assist in stopping any misinformation on it.
0 voters

don’t you need to own the actual wiki to edit things like backgrounds and stuff

Don’t feel obligated to help, this is by all means just a hope. But I feel like something like this is necessary, if at least to create competition for the bullshit that is fandom

Oh shit

(I don’t know how miraheze works lmao)

ok how are we gonna do everything. i dont know anything about making wikis

you need to request with the staff to make a wiki no?

I dunno, first things first, create a new wiki.

Anyone got any ideas how to do that? I’ll try myself

And how do I do that

make an account and head to the main meta miraheze page, the instructions are straightforward from there

should stock be invited? he does know a bit about wikis

OPERATION: Dig to Sameria reference???

They expressed disgust at the thought of using miraheze, I don’t think theyd want to

Especially if it’s being run by me, who they seem to think of as explicitly anatagonistic

If I say it is will you NOT sob react every one of my posts anymore?

i want to invite them to this discussion cause you and stock arguing is always fun

Ok but I want this to be a serious topic, if anyone derails it intentionally or not I WILL flag the posts

if this gets up and running past planning phases i might help out every now and then

how are you gonna get volunters

if you need help with the gear sections, the gear builder has a lot of that information on hand I think

Everybody, please, we don’t need to take drastic measures.
If you were to somehow succeed, then it wouldn’t solve your problem.
You’re trying to get rid of misinformation, right? How does moving to a different platform solve that? It’s a waste of your time.

I’m sure Hyperspace is doing this out of spite.

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See what I mean by antagonistically