Opinion on new roblox event?

pay money to the roblox overlords

The corporation spirit… IS STILL THERE!!!

roblox say’s they’re “testing the waters” with this event to see what the community wants.
So far this has event has been met with endless drama, complaints, and indifference and the event has barely even started.
Knowing every single game in this event, I know the opinion of the event will only continue to drop unless roblox does something drastic.

Maybe they’ll finally learn that their players are sick and tired of this.

Surely this means the next event will be better…right?

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It can hardly get worse, it would take an active effort for the next event to not be an improvement.

Why not make the next event paid access?


shit you’ve figured it out.

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Major issue with some of the games is that the hunt event is either piss easy or incredibly grindy depending on if you’ve played before or not.

forget even the difficulty of the games being inconsistent, why is the overall quality of the games so inconsistent.

On one hand we have DOORS, an extremely high effort game that added an entire extra 50% to the game for the event. There’s also Arsenal with its event that’s also extremely good.

On the other hand we have Barry’s Prison Run and Escape from Running Head, incredibly shit low quality games with no redeeming qualities.
One of them just put a bunch of collectibles around and the other just added a star at the start of the first three zones.

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Hey if anybody wants to get the funny headphones this guy is cycling a server with an afk livestream giving them to as many people as possible lol.

I’ve literally never heard of this guy before but hey free loot.

I have no idea when he plans to stop.

Just had it thrown at me in my recommendeds for some reason so I might aswell share it if anybody wants it lol.

Who chose games called Piggy, Find The Troll Face and Ride A Box Down A Slide??? Also from and till when is this for?

hm nice

i was really hoping for a 2018 style egg hunt.

My dissapointment is inmeasurable and my weekend is ruined

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Only played the Doors one because I wanted to see what they added for the event, other than that I couldn’t care less considering majority of the games are pure garbage.

What’s wrong with Piggy?

Idk, i haven’t played it. It’s just a weird name

If you enjoy escape room type games you should check it out.

I think I’m at around 60 something games now. I’ve been doing around 10 or more every day. Once you start grinding with your friends, you get into some weird trance of playing dogshit games yet learning things weirdly fast. Being able to find X buttons for popups before they have loaded and finding free rewards in simulators becomes a skill in itself. And then you come out of the trance with your entire day wasted.

Protip: Shindo Life sucks if you aren’t a diehard fan. You have to find 9 eggs across a big map… except the map is extremely big compared to the eggs. There’s no other gimmicks, the map is just really big and there’s no hints or assistance in finding the last eggs.

Try to get a pro player to help carry you (though you can easily help find a few) since they usually have memorized all the spots for some reason. The collection is serverwide, though the server size might be very small.

A lot of games put a bunch of collectibles in some area and make you get them all (or some of them). Example being both military tycoons and ER:LC. Some of them do collectibles in a different way, where you have to grind some random spawn (Undead Defense Tycoon).

Escape running head is just an example of games reusing existing content and making players get to some arbitrary milestone to get their badge; a lot of other games do this.

A small portion of games are still boring as hell in some other way. And the last 2% is reserved for DOORS and maybe Arsenal. Sadly I have not found another gem since DOORS (that can actually stand alone as a good challenge).

Bayside Highscholl has a VSRG challenge that’s really easy and laggy but kinda fun I guess? Deadly decisions is kinda fun as a trivia game for Roblox, but it’s a bit odd.

i thought it would actually be easter related, it could’ve been the shittiest event known to man but if it was easter related id be happy

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I will take part in their boring event only after reward is something more than items noboody gonna wear anyway