[Opinion/Vent] The Planned TGR Update will fail to draw people into playing the game in the long term. Here is why

In this post, you will see that I place a massive emphasis on PVP, and is practically the only thing you can do in this game apart from grinding, the reason being it’s practically the purpose of a fighting oriented game such as WoM.

A tl;dr is available at the end

1. [The PVP system is flawed, and is not unfair to the players that partake in it.]

This factor, in my opinion, is the major reason why both WoM and AA (FD/FE) failed to maintain its player count and player interest. Both games are without question, quite hard on the grinding aspect, keeping various different magical abilities locked behind level restrictions. I agree with this concept of the game since it may entice players to continue playing the game, however, the abilities that you unlock are few in number and lacks variety (see section 3. for further details on why this is a problem), and the PVP system is entirely defined by the current meta. Players do not have the option to change their magics on their higher level accounts, so it would make sense for all the magics to be reasonably balanced, regardless of how they interact with each other. This is absolutely not the case when you compare a magic type such as wind or shadow with something such as crystal or wood. For those that chose these magics because they enjoyed the concept of it, they are at a massive disadvantage in the current PVP environment because of how sluggish they are for a minor increase in damage performance (which sometimes even isn’t the case), and how there are literally better options of a magic that function the same in principle but are just more effective, for absolutely no drawbacks. [Insert Crying Light Users Here]

2. Dear Vetex, it’s nice to see that you’re working on lore and worldbuilding, but nobody’s gonna care when your game is already dead.

From my interpretation of the planned TGR Update post, Vetex seems to be doing this update completely due to recreating the world for the sake of optimization on impulse and is not adding to the game in any sort in regards to the combat aspect of the game.

I agree exploration is fun, and I do not mind the returning content for the boats and island aspect, as I believe it was quite fun to go around the world with your friends through different islands. However, the world of WoM is already quite large, meaning it takes an unreasonable amount of time to get anywhere and to find other players. This heavily impacts the PVP element of the game, where you’re unlikely to find another player unless you’ve been wandering around for a good 10 minutes when you’d find someone who’s likely level 44 or will outright refuse to fight you and just run and leave the game because there is no incentive for them to fight (see section 3.)

Vetex seems too focused on the lore aspect of the game to add new content to the combat area of the game, with the entire post being oriented around the new lore and world, and there is little consideration towards adding to the magic abilities or combat variety. Seriously Vetex, is this a fighting game or a fairy tale book that you’re trying to create right here? It is cool that you’re trying to attract people with the story’s lore, but it’s without a doubt more time consuming to create questlines than to add more abilities, which is what will likely draw more people in than reading your google document on the timeline of the world when there’s nothing you can even do within it.

3. The PVP system lacks variety and most players could not care less about it.

In the scenario that you’re a max level, what do you have left to do? Fish for sunken for 8 hours; for a piece of armour that is currently outclassed by a hard wizard piece in damage? Grind the bosses over and over again for a 1/x chance to get an item that gives minor buffs over your current gear? Sure. But when you look at this in a more distant perspective, why are you even doing this? For PVP purposes.

The only thing people at the max level within this game can really do is PVP, and following on from section 1, the variety of abilities is incredibly lacking and the 4 or so abilities with recolours for different magics get really repetitive, really fast, and can’t even be compared to other fighting games within the current Roblox environment, such as Shinobi Life 2. You may argue that it’s because it’s a naruto game (a cash-grab, grinding simulator, whatever else you can come up with.), however, you cannot deny that the game has much more content with its 50+ abilities, which adds complexity and can be combined in combos which entertains its players with trying out new things, which encourages them to PVP and to grind. This is why it maintains the highest player count for a fighting game within Roblox currently.

Vetex has had over 3 years to improve his combat system between Arcane Adventures to World of Magic, and eventually Arcane Odyssey, yet I have not been impressed by any of it, and in fact it seems that the amount of detail in the combat environment seems to be decreasing, with different magics in Arcane Adventures having different attacks, while in WoM they’re just a recolour of the same ability and might just leave behind a puddle or cloud of “game content”. Unless the new TGR update brings some serious changes to the PVP area of the game, it will fail to keep players interested, and will remain to not be appealing for new players, and will not reach higher player counts than what it is today, and likely fizzing out to fluctuating between 1000-300 players despite Vetex’s promised update schedule.


  • The combat system lacks variety. Spamming the same old 4 abilities over and over again is NOT entertaining.
  • The map is way too big. It is hard to navigate with friends and PVP is difficult because players are so far apart.
  • There is no reason to PVP. People just rk because there’s nothing else to do.
  • Vetex wastes his time writing the lore, while the actual game world has barely anything to do for the average player.
  • There is nothing to do for Max Levels apart from PVP, and from the points above, there’s basically no functioning PVP system at all.

I really hope that Vetex reads this because currently the update doesn’t, in my opinion, attract new players and veteran players alike, and I’d like to know how the rest of the community feels about this. Feel free to leave your opinion towards this post below, and I’d gladly respond. The concept of this game is really interesting and has potential, but Vetex has continually failed to realise the main aspects that have failed it. Arcane Adventures was near perfect with the exploration and lore, but not the combat system. Vetex was just overcomplicating it.

Update: Unfortunately I cannot reply to any more posts for the time being. It was interesting to see how other members of the community feel about this game.


So you just want a fight fest like EBG, I have to disagree. There are far more people who care about the lore than you think and lore opens up opportunities to do new and exciting things.

Why do you think vetex is revamping the game, why do you think lost spells are coming in this update. To Add Variety.

You’re entire rant is combat focused. Hate to break it to you but not everyone is a pvp head

Quit acting like AA attacks were “varied”. They weren’t. If you take a serious look at them you can see that they are just as, if not, MORE linear then WoM’s attacks.

Vetex already knows this, this is why boats are coming so that we won’t have to walk for a while to get from point a to point b.


Bruh WoM (now AO) is an exploration game … not a fighting game.


Can’t really speak for your balance concerns (not an expert on that), but this catches my interest.
PvP was never my interest in WoM or AA. For me, it was always the adventure.

WoM doesn’t (and can’t hope to) keep me interested in the month long gaps between content, but that’s not really a problem. I play to experience whatever content is reasonably accessible (so no sunken or boss grinding), then move onto other games in the downtime. Given the playercount returns after every update, I don’t think I’m alone here - the game doesn’t need to occupy everyone for the entire update cycle to retain a loyal playerbase.

A lot of the issues you see as game-breaking don’t bother me in the slightest - I’ve never been bothered by my magic being non-meta (only that it was boring), and I don’t care that PvP is infrequent and usually one-sided.
I can agree that there’s not enough abilities, but my problem is accessible abilities. Oathkeeper looks awesome, so it really sucks that it’s an order of magnitude more grinding than I can be asked to put in for it. I want more accessible abilities, not just more abilities.


Just a little off topic, but I love how two of the three leaders+ from the community are non-pvp oriented. Kind of gives voice to the casuals. Okay, carry on

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The purpose of the game is a combat game in principle. You cannot deny that, when the entire game has a combat system devoted to it, with combat logging and a guild infamy system, and is a necessary part to the adventure genre the game is oriented around. I agree that lore opens up new possibilities, however the game currently lacks in things to do. People may care about the lore, but how can they interact with the game lore in the current state of the game, where the storyline is nowhere related to it? The TGR update promises to add new things to the game in terms of exploration, however once you’ve done that, what else is there to do? Wait the next 2 weeks? Adventure is the main concept within the game, but people fail to recognise that the PVP aspect is one of the major contributing factors to keep players interested.

I too enjoy the exploration content within the game, but once it’s finished, what else is there to do?

the game isn’t failing to draw players in, it’s failing to keep its player base. It is in the nature of all adventure/exploration games to have low replayability, so it would make sense that WoM loses most of its players after a month.

Bink bonk, Vetex literally revamping the story to be more involved with the player (by extension engaging them with the lore)

AA didn’t fail lol, it broke AA had an average player for 1k back in the days which is like jailbreak level in 2017 - 2018 so stop the cap

I fully agree with you from an adventure game player perspective, however, the direction of the game leads me to believe that Vetex wishes to make the game grow to appeal to new players as well as the ones who are already familiar with his games, and the main way to do that is to make the game more noticeable within the Roblox environment, hence my reason for bringing up player count.


ten chars

It had a peak of around 1k when the highest was around 20k, and fell to 300 concurrent players and remained there.

rn i just checked the players on and theres 2k people on rn so i doubt it even if theres an event happening right now

The peak was not 1k it dragged a lot of attention from big youtubers like danTDM and roblox even review it keeping it’s playerbase high, it died( late 2017 and mid 2018) because of bugs that was causes by roblox and hacks because FE didn’t exist and also about the lack of updates. So stop the cap

also before people even started talking about lost spells and magic in tgr people where talking about what lost magic and lost spells they were going to get and hes adding even more lost spells then the ones listed before so it will at least i assume double the normal amount of people on

There’s 2k people on rn because of the halloween update. Before it was around 1k-500.

Well no shit, even vetex himself admitted the game is bad as it is currently

yeah i think dead games dont have over 1k people playing during non events

plus the game is basically still an infant compared to how its going to be when its done