Opinions on Dirt & Tanning - Community Poll for Change

I am thinking about pushing for a serious change to these two features, but I need community opinions to back this up and make sure I am not in my own echo chamber when others tell me they dislike these features. Very simple, two polls:

Tanning Opinions

  • I like Tanning as a feature
  • I do not like Tanning as a feature
0 voters

Dirt Opinions

  • I like dirt accumulation as a feature
  • I do not like dirt accumulation as a feature
0 voters

What kind of change would you like to see?

  • I would like to see them become easier to manage
  • I would like them to be removed entirely
  • I would like them to be optional
  • I desire no change to these features
0 voters

dont forget this guy is tester now and has direct access to vetex!!!

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Players don’t like intrusive “immersion” mechanics that ruin their vanity. The irony with such mechanics is that they soil the experience, effectively ruining immersion.


Either optional or remove (in tanning’s case)

as for dirt, just remove it

The tanning is a bit useless, I get what it’s trying to do but if someone wants a tanned character they can just change it themself if they wanted to.

With the dirt mechanic players without brigs have no good way of actually getting rid of it unless they dip themself 5000 times in water which is not ideal, I do kinda like the feature but I feel like it’s way too much sometimes. Would be nice if there were baths other places than just the brig… also would be nice if you had to use it only once to completely clean yourself

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I’m 99% certain either tanning or dirt accumulation leads to a memory leak

After playing again for a while I constantly had the same thought in my head: The dirt accumulation is WAY TOO MUCH. It would be nice if there was significantly less of it, it would make the feature a lot more manageable.

As for tanning, I’m pretty neutral about it because my main is black so I barely notice it but I’d say probably the same as I did about dirt, except that tan should be even slower. If I had to pick between the two tan is definitely the worst feature.

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You go through one fight and you’re suddenly covered head-to-toe in dirt


Yeah, yesterday me and my friend did the Ravenna story together on new files

We joined the server on sailor’s lodge, by the tine we got to windrow our character’s skin tone was genuinely hard to see

This all took us like 30 minutes or so (1 ingame day and a bit…)

I get it’s meant to be immersive, but god is it a lot. I don’t think it has to happen that much and that often.



i like the features overall but should be easier to wash off the dirt at least
i have never noticed tanning so i don’t really have much of an opinion on it

i don’t know how credible this is but this’d be my main concern regarding dirt/tan

i dont like tanning. i like dirt, tho, shows that ur charcater has been doing some hard work. should come off if you enter water for a bit in my opinion

im fine with em existing just make removing dirt easier. tanning is kinda easy to remove but removing dirt is hard bc swimming doesnt completely clear it for some reason.

Am completely fine with tanning as it doesn’t exactly standout too much and if does goes away quite quickly whereas for dirt, you just accumulate just too much from a simple fight, for a boss it would make sense but when fighting a low lvl criminal just makes no sense, I would like it if the dirt accumulation was lowered and make it easier to clean off when you’re in the water as you have to do multiple dips to be completely clean. But that my opinion.

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What I don’t like the most about these features is that they are shoved into player’s face without the option to turn them off.

Generally I am fine with this immersion stuff existing, but they can be annoying. For example, dirt is mostly annoying to me. Specifically because of how easy you get dirty and how you need to dip yourself into an ocean a few times for it to come off. I don’t want to see my character getting dirty just by existing. Maybe I don’t want to see the dirt at all, no matter how “immersion breaking” it would be. Having the option to turn it off fully would be very nice. And some nerf to the dirt would be nice too so it won’t be so annoying.

Can’t say anything about tanning. My main got sunburnt on Dark Sea release, then nerfs happened and I haven’t been noticing it since then at all lol.

Do water blasts not remove dirt from other players if they dont damage them?

Cmon man.
I just want to powerwash my friends with a 20 beam barrage, is that too much to ask?

Hell, if this is adressed and water now cleans anyone no matter if it damages or not ill just power wash any positive rep i see