Just asking for opinions about my build/gear for my no-magic file. As the name suggests, I don’t use magic at all. Anything that I should change? Anything that’s good, bad, downright awful? I have little idea what the meta is like. I plan on switching my Hard Defense Amulet for Hard Dual ____ Bracelets but still unsure, the hard Defense Amulet offers a lot of defense and I’ll only gain like 10 extra strength. Really want to maximize how much strength/defense I can get.
anyways feel free to roast me now
Your build is okay
Have you ever tried using a spear?
Tried it at first but I find it kinda useless. If I need range I can just use my crossbow. If I’m up close then I’ll use daggers. There’s no situation where it’s the better option of the two. No use trying to compare it to the Sunken Sword.
Screw it,
Non vanity maid.
Attempt to get full hard mino, it gives same strength as maid(which it shouldn’t) while also giving agility so it lets you have some more mobility
please use a swift ss i beg you
Thanks for this. Obviously/ideally I’d want to get mino items since they are just maid items with a speed buff but I’d need to get something worth trading for them or hunt mino down himself. Oathkeeper would be arguably harder to get. Fun thing about fighting the Exiled without magic is that IT IS SUPER GOD DAMN HARD. I don’t know if I just really suck or if it really is hard but he negates 70% of the damage you do and the rest is cut in half due to damage reduction. I could probably fight two minos at once and beat them faster than fighting the Exiled with half health. That annoyance to fight makes getting Oathkeepers a bit.
As far as the whole swift vs powerful thing, never had to worry too much about stamina consumption. Maybe it’s because I don’t fight a whole lot but it’s something I’ll have to keep in mind. I typically fight at a distance anyways with a Crossbow being pretty much my main weapon. I will say there was one time where daggers played a somewhat useful role in my kit, that was when some dumb guy wanted to use self explosions on me and I just sent his health from 800 to 0 in 3-4 seconds. Pretty much saved them for extremely close up fights but any smart player will T/magic jump so I should probably switch it for my Powerful Old Sword.
Massive thanks for this though. Didn’t know Swift weapons became the meta.
No problemo. Also, exiled has i-frames so some of your shots won’t hit if you’re really close to him or if you aim at another part of his body that isn’ the torso. And weapons are unfortunately, completely shit against exiled, so if you can obtain it, a magic setup will do wonders. Blocking is another part of fighting him, I personally only block when he uses raging storm or the self explosion-like move.
Uhmmm, other than that I don’t have much else to say. But I will give you an oathkeeper since I kinda feel bad
I’ll look for your roblox user in your profile but if you haven’t put it there, feel free to message me.
K I got it, I’ll add you tmrw.
Oh thanks man. Honestly didn’t expect that. I’ll cherish that blade like I do my Sunken Sword.
this is very good
strength builds are fun
Amazing build, I feel like you should relax on the strength stat though and put in a little more defense, especially since hitting ranged attacks with weapons is much more difficult than magic. Plus you being squishy won’t help in pvp since they keep their distance and beam/blast farm you, and you’ll have no way to deal with it unless you continue trying to hit your ranger weapons. Not only this, a magic user with high damage output could just trade explosions and you wouldn’t be able to outtrade them. Either way weapons aren’t really viable for pvp at all, however there are ways you can utilize them. My only advice, get strong exiled set, still large amount of strength but A LOT more defense in return. Also I would recommend using double daggers with swift instead of a single dagger with strong because you’ll be able to do more damage if you got good aim with swift double daggers, they will hit the magic user in time unless they are light or sm. Otherwise this build is pretty good, I wouldn’t have been able to come up with this 
Your weapon loadout is pretty good. Tho i would definitely recommend to get a strong oathkeeper like others have said. It will help a lot in pve and a decent amount in pve. Its by far the best weapon to fight npcs with.
Oath will help out a lot in fighting the exiled too
Switch out the daggers for the oath because the oath is basically just a better version of daggers. Then this is an optional choice but you could switch out the bow for a strong vastira depending on your playstyle. It combos really well with a sunken sword but bows are great for range so this one is up to you. Swift for sunken swords is better for pvp but its not a huge difference and value wise i really wouldnt downgrade your strong sunken sword for a swift sunken sword.
Now for your armour: like others have said you should definitely get mino gear. Its maid but better in every single way. Not only does it give you more speed (which is great) it also gives more strength. The enchant is up to you, either hard for more hp or strong for more dmg. I personally like strong more. Switch out the strong maid gear and hard iron boots for the mino set.
So to summarise the best build for weapon mains is either a hard or strong mino set + strong strength amulet + hard defense amulet & weapons being: strong or preferably swift sunken sword + strong oathkeeper + strong bow/vastira
I don’t necessarily find speed to be efficient nor useful over strength and defense, strong exiled armor should deff be used while using weaponry because it’s better if he tanks a shot then wasting stamina dodging a shot and not getting a trade off, either way it wouldn’t really matter because weapons are absolute TRASH rn.
sorry to say it but strong exiled is absolute garbage. The defense it provides is decent, forceful is useless and the amount of strength it gives is lackluster. The speed a full mino set gives isnt that much but since its a side effect that will be useful at all times that makes up for it. Furthermore that speed can help with dodging so
. If you want to be tanky and still have good dmg then using hard mino will be better in nearly every single way except maybe like 20 or 30 hp which isnt that much for the dmg drop strong exiled gives.
The person would made this topic should just use strong iron armor then because agility is practically useless as well.
what no thats even worse. Strong iron gives less defense than strong exiled. Anyways you didnt read my comment properly if youre saying agility is practically useless so pls do read it properly 
I have a weapons file. I use the funni axe and sword.