
well savage this is that other topic

is overpopulation a thing
  • yes but idc
  • no but idc
  • yes and something should be done
  • no but something should be done
  • no, to hell with the world we gotta increase the population

0 voters

topic closure speedrun
btw have any ideas to solve it

Ok I don’t want to get religious but

how is this religious

Mb this doesn’t fulfil all the requirements for a religious topic

i don’t really think its a problem, its expected to capout at 12 billion i think? there’s enough resources for us all, the problem is that they are badly managed.

Can’t give a lengthy answer atm but yes overpopulation is starting to bc a problem. It’s not huge a problem rn but It will def be talked about more in the years to come. We are nearing the earth’s carrying capacity.

it’s not much of a problem right now, but at the rate we’re going at rn it’ll probably be a problem in a few decades

well if its not a huge problem right now, then what’s the point of talking about it? rich person laugh

It’s not like we can have mass genocides to slow down the population growth, we would have to do that once every 2 years just to keep up with how many babies thw world makes

what about limiting children per family

does not work, china tried.

That doesn’t feel right somehow even though it is a good option

I think some countries do that actually. China iirc did it the last time I heard but I’m not sure if they still do.

Also, people from developing countries tend to have more children than people from developed countries, the only thing is that a lot of the children don’t live as long in developing countries due to their low standard of living

apparently they stopped

it causes a bias for more rural families, they want boys to help work, so a imbalance forms. also it didn’t really slow down population growth in china.

Isn’t China one of the most populated places on earth rn?

We’re talking about overpopulation but somehow japan has a problem with population decline

because everyone is sad :frcryin: