
I can tell you exactly what to do, all I need is omniscience and a mind capable of somewhere around eight hundred googols of calculations per second.
And a lot of time.

All I need to do is find the value of something small, like an atom. Then, I find the values of different atoms for different isotypes of different elements. After that, I’ll find the value of small things like molecules. And then solutions. And then I might find the value of an amino acid, a protein, a nucleic acid. I’ll figure out how much a bacterium is worth, how much a grain of sand is worth, etc. Then I’ll find the value of grass, or mice, or something of that sort. And then a chicken perhaps. Finally, I’ll work my way up to the value of everything that ever existed on earth to a degree of accuracy (there has to be error since I started with atoms, which are pretty big).

Then I can tell you how many humans shouldn’t exist and aren’t needed.

Ways to fix overpopulation:

  • Transport half the human population to another planet.
  • Enforce a rule that allows only one child per person (if your divorced, already have a kid, and remarry, you can’t have kids).
  • Thanos

Better healthcare is the way as I know that people often have a lot of kids in 3rd world country as they often die at a young age. Almost happened to me.

pro strat, just dont have children. They’re annoying little shits anyways


Until we get better alternatives to rockets, asteroid mining is far too expensive. It takes so much energy (fuel) to get up to an asteroid. Even if you brought all of the rare-earth metals back and sold them all, you wouldn’t make back enough money for it to be worth it. Not to mention rare-earth metals would become hyperinflated if we mined asteroids (which would be a good thing if not for the issue previously stated).

i know

this is so completely and undeniably false my head can’t understand your process.

its been 30 seconds i still don’t understand how you came to this conclusion

getting 1% of a single asteroid in the kuiper belt, Hell even an asteroid in our own asteroid belt would give more than enough resources for it to be worth it. by an astronomical landslide.

1: gold and platinum are the best metals for circuitry in the planet so having a lot of it wouldn’t make it all useless 2: even if your first argument was correct majority of asteroids are made of metals and compounds that make up industrial grade steel so we could still get use out of it however we don’t have the ablity to reach asteroids so it isn’t reachable now but if we could we would have done it allready

im not even going to mention this fucking behemoth

even if you counted for inflation, its not like money that only has a made up worth in our head and through our society, These are raw resources, especially those used to create our devices (smartphones, laptops, etc) are running dry here on earth.

i am going to wipe china and india off the map

crisis averted

Do you know how expensive it would be to completely disassemble an asteroid farther then mars and bring all of its resources back? We likely don’t have enough fuel on the planet. Right now, we can only consider near-earth asteroids.

Then you get an empty china and india and an overpopulated everywhere-else

Even if you take into account near earth asteroids that are worth it (as listed below)

The profit if you think beyond just a limited within a 10 year time span is unbelievable
(This is the reason a lot of things never got done)

We already have reusable rockets. We have the billionaire space race between SpaceX and Blue Origin. (And within a few years people expect this number to increase as more countries invest into their own space programs.

Currently the world is waiting for the next step after reusable rockets. Which is evidently, profit.
Which if you don’t think comes from asteroid mining, i got something to tell you

its a astroid with metal so rich its clearly seen outside it we could litterlay get millions with just 100 guys with hands not to mention modern equipment and skilled workers


uh yeah overpopulation
better we all suicide

out here getting a warn for posting a video of a dude wearing a hat with text saying “xd”

but people out here saying that all people should commit suicide dont get any punishment wtf

you gonna get me banned
yeah im gonna get suspended here
not kill me demon night pls
i have warning trauma
geko if i get banned for that i gonna back to ping you

Overpopulation isn’t extremely important right now, we should focus on more important things. It will become more important, and eventually we will have to do something about it. Not like I don’t care, because I do, but it’s not a big enough issue as of this time to be a problem yet.

rock hand mine