Part 2# Edward kenton: my captain is

My captain is an odd one, they would immediately turn the steering wheel at an alarming turn and jump off the ship once they saw a merchant ship sailing nearby just to catch a whiff of their wares.

My captain is quite the accident prone and a clumsy sailor at best. They tend to carelessly crash the deck to a nearby rock or board that would severely damage the ship’s hull.

My captain can be so distinctive as well, they’re like a sheep in the middle of the sea. Stand out too much, they are simply an enemy magnet. Stand too close to them and you’ll be attracted like a moth to a flame.
Bandits pirates ships, you name it they’ll face the captain in less than a distance.

My captain is. A person who’s been through a lot, not even a decade as a navy lieutenant could comprehend what the captain has been through in a month I’ve been with them.

They seem to suffer so much before I meet them, but they don’t seem to remember any of them.I wonder what hardship they have to endure to be to sail freely in the open seas right now.

Though these memories of their past are nowhere to be seen,They cherish their new memories like a gem and regularly tell me stories about it. About a man named Morden, their deeds in Redwake and frostmill, and so much more.

They also told me about a certain order that they’re trying to stop. An order whose only goal is to gain magic by any means possible. For someone so young to be on such a deathly mission makes me filled with worry, yet their determined eyes made me want to aid them on their journeys and be of use to them.

My captain is a kind soul. Despite all their flaws, they never go back down to those in need. Offering a safe passage for castaways in the middle of the open sea, a simple quest for picking coconuts or even the most dire request from a helpless person in times of need.

My captain is a brave soul, heart full of adventure and truly a fearless soul they had. They’d defend their mighty ship from any danger that goes on. Even the deadliest white eyes swam in fear of their powerful clashes.

My captain is full of surprises, every day is a glorious day of sailing with them. The moment they went back to the ship, no shipdeck was left empty without the sheer weight of the sealed chest and goodies they found on their journey.

My captain is a caring person, I may be their only humble quartermaster. But they’re willing to go to distance and aid me on my undercover mission at Silverhold and we made it back safe and sound. With my old gear back I could be more of a service to my captain and may be able to fight alongside them.

My captain had places they need to go, I knew it would be a dangerous journey through the kingdom of Ravenna. Yet, they trusted me to take care of the vessel and the well-being of the crew. And with that, they left with a smile as they walked through the bustling streets of rasna, until I couldn’t see them again.

My captain has been gone for a month, not a single soul knows where their whereabouts are.I couldn’t just sit still like this, not when my captain is in danger who knows where. In a place where I can’t be beside them, I felt as useless as I was back in desertion.

Then I met morden and some others who may be the people the captain’s been telling me stories about. He said that my captain has been captured and imprisoned by the raven general, Julian. I made my decision and decided to go along with them, to save my captain.

The eternal mines were hidden well beneath the palace’s walls.I could see my captain lying behind the bars, they’re not in a good condition. I couldn’t hide my rage any longer and took down the mine overseer while miss iris blew up the metal bars.
My captain is safe and sound, the feeling of relief washes their faces when they see me. “Couldn’t just sit still while my captain’s been missing for a month. Can I?”

It seems those were the only words that come outta my mouth, considering how glad I am to be able to greet them for over a month apart. And they seemed to be happy when I said that.

But the fight’s not over yet. Once we were out from the mines we were ambushed my legions of centuries from the east wing of the parlor.I immediately took out my cutlass and my trusty flintlock to aid miss iris in battling them troops, giving my captain and neviro enough time to get to the king. And promised to meet again on the ship.

The Suns about to set, I am now waiting on the deck of the ship anxiously. Still no sign of the captain and their friends, even though the thundering storm started pouring. And there they are in the distance, approaching the Easter shore to make their gateway.

But the Ravenna Prince held his ground, my captain’s friends boarded the ship first while they faced their final agony in the dry grasslands of Ravenna. The broken oath of the now broken prince echoes through the fallen rain like thunderstorm, and with a heavy heart and an empty apology. My captain took the wheel once more safely.

After all that everything seems to be in a blur, my captain stayed in wind-row island while I maintained their ship by the Rocky cliffside, well hidden and secured. As the winds howl through the massive ravine, my captain came out of the fog and order the crew to set sail.

Over the scorching heat of sandfall isle, the hidden secret beneath the cliffs of shell island, until the top of the highest peak of a jaw island. Those were all places my captain needed to go to obtain their awakening. Soon as they descended through the sharp rocks, the captain finally set sail to the southernmost island in the bronze sea, mount Orthyx.

It feels like days has gone by, yet the moon is still high up in the sky. As I felt the tides turning and the night wind shifted the vessel to the direction of the godly mountain. As we made it to the base of the island, rocky walls were as high as the stepstones but as impenetrable as a fortress. (Not the one’s that my captain’s destroyed. Just saying)

But my captain is anything but a quitter. She saw the entrance above those massive walls and proceeded to enter. Oddly enough the moon falls back down the horizon and the morning sun finally shines through. As the captain jumps down the mountain.

My captain has finally got their awakening, and I can feel a sense of pride just like when I first got promoted as a captain 2 years ago. It seems odd though, every time the captain achieves something or out victorious, it meant the same to us and felt we have attained it as well. So yes, my captain is my happiness and vice versa.

And we set sail back to wind row island, catching up with old friends and some farewells were told. And on another dawn, as we were setting sails, The captain’s got the wheel as they flashed a bright smile to me, and at that moment… No matter what perils might face us in the nimbus sea.

I knew that I could count on my captain as they would count on me.

Thank you so much for reading :smile:

Here’s the link to the first chapter: Edward Kenton: My captain is


Can be seen as platonic or romantic just saying :smirk:


“In my room, captain’s order”


bro fr. Never use phone while [sailing]

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Top 10 reasons why Edward Kenton is good malewife material:

  1. This whole speech

I would devote my life to him, support him financially and emotionally :blush:

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(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) who’s Edward going to deny? hot dang

Oh my god same

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I read the title as saying Edward Kenton is the 2nd best captain

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Nonono, this is the part two of my fic, here’s the link to my first:

Same bro, all my galleons are used to repair my gosh darn ship. Edward probably face-palming everytime i repaired it to the shipwright

Because the first best captain is

Youuuuuuuu (mc)

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You’re right! I can crash my ship into the smallest obstacles! I can die to level 1 pirates! I can be the very best!

This is (personally) my favorite line to wrote in the fic.

KISS that ol’ sailboat behind, we got a caravel now!

No worries I’m always glad to help others finish their sentences, sometimes it’s hard to come up with something :+1:


Edward: are you tryna romance me, captain?
Mc who has 20 fishes in a bouquet: yeah
Edward: … Its working :flushed:



@Neomii Courting gift, obviously
To propose the greatest -M̶a̶t̶e̶- i mean quartermaster in the bronze sea