People who genuinely likes/plays WoM currently, why?

wom cringe

letā€™s just say ā€œitā€™s meh but you could certainly do a lot worseā€

I think Big V was being very experimental with the game and I commend him for doing it, especially with the npcs, the map, the storyline and the rep system.

It was too ambitious for itā€™s own good, and the workload, which led to a lack of updates made it dull.

Hunting trades and sometimes farming bosses just prepping for AO

I like WoM but I kinda wished our items got removed as well. Here are my reasons why.

1: If it takes place a different year and in another part of the world how would you know that item exists?

2: With cultural items being removed I think it would only make sense for us to have the culturally resembled items. Letā€™s say the Castilian Shield that you had in WoM would be replaced with a shield from Redwake.

Conclusion I know this will NEVER HAPPEN but these are just my opinions about why the weapons on the inventory being removed.

PS: Donā€™t yell at me in the comments.

i played it yesterday to come back and look at it again, i do it from time to time, kinda funny how its bad but still better than 85% of the games on the front page

because vetex who created said part of the world says it does

it takes 2 seconds to get cultural items they dont need to be compensated unlike boss drops which actually require some amount of effort

now I may still be playing WoM, but thatā€™s only due to Project Pain.
I still love WoM. I can enjoy it. But it ends up being stale after an hour.
Doesnā€™t have the same feeling than it did in July 2020.

Itā€™s so that some item collector pissbabies donā€™t mald about losing their 5 septillion exiled leggings. I agree with you though, I wouldnā€™t want items to be kept.

Iā€™m pretty sure if you had some of a certain item, e.g. an Alalean Cutlass or an Old Sword, itā€™ll be replaced into itā€™s AO equivalent.


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Okay thx

If Vetex had never announced that items would be kept then people would have never grinned so long for the items. But since it was announced, yea a lot of people will mald.

Yeah, but since boss drops would be replaced there is still sort of a reason to grind though not much.

Thatā€™s what I meant. If he just never announced it then removing inventories would be perfectly fine.

Oh okay.

Im trying out glass magic on a new character
I know its going to be reset but i still find it fun
better than 3/4 of the other games on roblox

i like wom because ar and al are bigger piles of horseshit, iā€™d rather play broken aa than those 2

it would make more sense logically speaking

but you do understand that people would get mad over their items being removed only because it makes more sense. Because theres really 0 reason to remove items besides that. Most items only got a few minor changes if any at all so it would only force you to grind again. And what would it even accomplish besides having to grind again? Items are locked behind levels anyways so you couldnt even breeze past the storyline with them without having to grind levels for them.

Tl;dr: realism isnt always the best option

cultural items were easy to get anyways like AwsomeOS said so their removal doesnt really matter. But also doesnt this point contradict your main wish?

im verryy angu at u for suggesting to remove my items!!! :rage: :rage: :rage:

mostly just to prepare for arcane odyssey, with boss drops and maybe sunkens, so i can trade them for valuable things in ao that i have more use for, like maybe lost spells, or good armor for full magic builds. though honestly i do not know if the compensated drops will be worth enough to be traded for lost spells, but whatever, weā€™ll find out.

Literally everyone that plays WoM is doing that.

They for sure are not gonna be worth Lost spells what do you mean. Unless they become some exclusive limited item, then they might be.

WoM really does feel like a tech demo.