People who genuinely likes/plays WoM currently, why?

Bro I have some shit you could try out. Only problem is they all cost money.

And your capping when you say you played for 3h without getting bored, unless you had a friend with you or smth.

nah a week ago I was playing for like 7h or smth solo levelling up my saves

I get its fun to play, but sometimes when tour doing it to long you just don’t feel right.

yea, its definently boring after playing it for more than one day straight… it is definently best when left alone for awhile then playing it again out of boredom

This does not excuse though when I played like 6h a day like 2 months ago

How do people even play it, I got a new PC for christmas with decent wifi and it can barely run it at 5 graphics :skull:

Well I spent an hour fighting someone because they kept on coming back and I only got to 700 HP the entire time


Second of all in the middle of it some friend wanted me to help on their magic size account which is just for fun

What are these games that you are talking about btw

Hades, risk of rain 2, R6S (rainbow six siege I got like 600h on it), terraria, I probably got more buy I can’t remember.

You know I thought of getting terraria for a long time so I may get it

And Ark which takes forever to get good at (also got 600h on it)

Meh I may do it then

Terraria is only fun with friends most the time

I actually have a friend to do it with

WoM is dry af rn, feels stale

that’s why I’m playing other games until TGR

fishing and trading

wait you guys play it at 1+ graphic ?

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