People who read the AA comics?

What is your likes/dislike about the webcomic?

My own take

I’m currently reading it. And uh, to be honest I kinda find it boring. The pacing within the story feels kinda rush as the main character feel completely bland. Basically she became a professional fighter within a few panels and just sweeps through the competition with ease, it would been a bit nicer for her to learn to use her power and actually practice then just instantly becoming good at it. And the fact is that there isn’t any world-building in this story feel meh to me.(also I never played the AA game so this is a bit confusing for me).

Or I’m just picky. That’s all.

Juniper keeps nearly dying to like everyone she meets tho?

Yea like, I’m fairly certain she takes heavy damage in like most of the fights she’s in

Is that what she does for every boss fight?? I haven’t read the whole webcomic. So I may be wrong about some of these stuff.

She nearly dies to bosses like luffy fighting magellan :sob:
Or just becomes crippled

a lot of these things have greatly improved over the course of time, the world building especially
there was a whole ass chapter about how reliant she is on her magic and she gets bullied into doing actual training for once
and at the end of it she fights shura but not shura and dosent even win, it was a draw

Yeah unless its some nobody who isnt important most fights leave her either on the brink of death or somewhat incapacitated. She has learned a lot since the start of her journey, becoming a much better warrior, hut still has a childlike whimsical side to her, especially when it comes to food.

every time she gets in a fight she almost dies lol
although i cant help but notice the story gets a lot better after it gets past the parts that were in aa…

Well its trying to write your own story within another story that has its own specific things that happen. It’s much harder to turn “this person immediately goes and fights someone with part of a curse and wins” into a regular story with actually character development.
Once it got to “this character dies at roughly this point in the story” it becomes much easier to write mostly the route you want, as long as things reach their intended destinations.

What you’re reading is actually the successful timeline where Juniper lives. Her player has gotten her killed like a dozen times on each boss at this point.

Player must have been afk when they first started then lol

That or lagging horrendously.

Man, the player must really suck at the games combat

Boy, this is one of the most relatable protagonists I’ve ever read about.

So uh, y’all just really like the webcomics that much? Or is there some slights things you want to nitpick?

Eh, after all, not everyone is going have the same opinion.

if there was one thing i had to nitpick even about more recent additions

the pacing cant seem to decide where it wants to be, characters spend episodes talking to each other and building up to cool fights that either take an episode at most or most egregiously the rebecca fight in the fifth sea
which took if i recall eight episodes
followed by eleven episodes just cleaning things up with, you guessed it, more talking. this has definitely gotten better as of recent though

Freedrock, creed and landon are much more enjoyable characters than the protagonist


its because she was that fucking strong

Mind if you could tell me why? Just curious.

The protagonist to me just feels like your average dumb, but fighting prodigy anime protagonist (she barely knows what emotions she feels like wth)