People who read the AA comics?

Wait, I thought they got a tablet to draw now? Or did I misremember a post they made?

Why the heck is the artist is torturing themselves?? As a person who used to draw on a mouse when I younger. It’s literally pain. I’m not sure why people consider it as a way to flex. Or they just broke. Idk.

Funny enough, for me that’s the only chapter where the “gore” feels like a bit too much to look at, only one other moment getting close to it, but the rest of the webcomic feels completely fine in my opinion.
Also from what I know, the artist is going to upgrade the first chapters and remake them with the latest artstyle, so you might still be able to get into the AA parts in the future

I attempted to do it once too, but I traced my sketch from traditional to digital to do it once or twice, and I think I heavily used curve tools to make it work. Its really difficult, even drawing with your fingers on a phone is easier imo (maybe thats just cause Im still doing it)

oh okay wow talk about attention to detail

was this throughout various chapters or just in one?

They are found between #141 and #153

I don’t see how not liking an art style makes you awful

personally not a fan

i don’t care for the way almost all of the characters are written, and the tone of the story is much too dark and doesn’t match the wacky silly experience aa actually captures

yeah, i understand the story is darker to match the somber and almost eulogistic tone of the intended worldbuilding & story of aa and ao. but that’s not what the games are about, and the games are what i enjoyed

if i wrote an aa webcomic (and im not saying i would or will or can, just purely a hypothetical), i’d probably take a lighter approach to tone with an emphasis on comedy and wonder. yk like a bit more one piece thrown in, maybe a splash of that crackhead energy you might get in a good AD&D session

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Ah heck naw, world-building DOES not to be dark all the time. It can be whimsical yet still have world-building. I’m not sure why it always have to be like that, but it can be a bit boring.

Also, if you did wrote a webcomic like that. I might find that enjoyable. :fr:

I feel like AA’s story is supposed to be the more lighthearted and hopeful of the two games, while AO is going to be the more somber counterpart. (Heck, compare the games’ two themes).

The beginning of the games are two good examples of this, and sets up what will happen later on. In AA, theos sets you up on a challenge that foreshadows you becoming his student, and it’s more about you learning of your own abilities on the way. But AO starts with a very somber tone with you barely escaping with your lives, coming across with someone who was your friend making a burial for another who didnt make it.

Arcane Adventures is ultimately a story of its MC being a witness to the world, seeing the struggles of those around them yet finding meaning in them. AO in contrast seems to be about a person trying to fix a broken system in the world that’s caused by Magic, something that would’ve been set up and foreshadowed in AA.

I havent played that far in AA back then, but knowing my short experience of it as well as what was planned, thats the idea I get as well.

Though, I think some stuff really does happen right after AA’s story, during the time AO occurs. Like, with some of the Seas being destroyed, Chaos ravaging the rest of the islands and lots of people being killed, I think thats where the “dark and somber” part in the story is supposed to be in AA, which we don’t get to see.

I’d love to see not just the story of AA being displayed as a more heartfelt journey, but also an exploration on what comes after.

It is the absolute peak of fiction (its a game that i alredy played)
a gift from god (trollus) to us mere mortals
a work of art only to be understanded by minds of IQ above 200 (me)

seriously tho

I cant really say it is peak of fiction since it is a retelling of a alredy existing story but it doesn’t change the fact that it is still great.

“The main character feel completely bland” That is literally her character trait, she literally has no memories other than the most basic stuff and the only thing she known since awoken was to fight, she gets more character development as the series goes on (DUHHH)

Now i heard a lot of things about the pacing, but RUSHED? even for me that reads a bunch of manga, books and similars feel it slow as FUCK in the earlier chapters, with a bunch of info dump (that also gets to your “It has no world building” in the next point) and the long chapters of just, Juniper sleeping because she broke all her bones in the last battle (this also gets to your “she becomes a professional fighter and wipes off all the competition with ease” in a future point)

“There isn’t any world building” 70% of the earlier chapters are JUST world building, we literally get a info dump every time juniper says “what is X?” like when Trigno explained the whole elemental curse system the moment he met with Juniper.

“the main character becomes a professional fighter withing the first minutes” My man, she is literally the player, a magical battery with more mana than famous wizards, and even then she still gets her ass kicked nearly every fight, i don’t remember a single fight in the early chapters where Juniper didn’t end extremely hurt

you are wrong, fuck u

note: holy hell i wrote a lot, its fine if you dont read alladis


Jokes aside it’s all a matter of personal preference, if somebody doesn’t like the webcomic or doesn’t want to read it, nothing against them. As long as it’s not unfair bashing I don’t want to try and convince them otherwise cause it’s a huge pain lol

correction a bit but it isnt just a retelling

remember that AA was an unfinished story with a lot of space between events, so Trollus had to make things up then and there ( the entirety of blacksite arc was made by them iirc, maybe with Tech’s help )

its almost impossible to translate a game into an enjoyable comic without changing a thing or two

you might want to prepare yourself for the rupin encounter in the 3rd sea

Juniper vs Rupin was just a generational ass whooping
(before third mind)

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He only has one emotion this is generally what we would look like in AO since our face does not move

In game you are mastery of literally anything the moment you unlock it. Author went with game logic

(Or you just think comics are like current disney movies)

Idk bro, the modern movies and series has gotten boring in my opinion,(but there are some hidden gems that seemed to be brushed off), did read another webcomic like a day before I read that. It’s called Sleepless Domain and it had 750 pages?? Yeah read that within a day right? And it wasn’t that interesting at all. I feel like the reason why it wasn’t that interesting is probably because there’s a lack of depth within the character. They feel pretty flat to say the least, but is it me or that whenever a person try to give their character some depth in them, it feels rush? Idk, I’m probably not smart.

Or I’m just picky. That could be it. :frcryin:

ITS BECAUSE MAIN CHARACTER BREAKS LORE BY HIS EXISTENCE. You cant make good series for its entire duration if you dont even stick to the lore

(In lore, MC is some guy with black hair, if I remember right.)